Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 226 Shaking the World

Chapter 226 Shaking the World
The year 1511 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The big event that shocked and changed the world ended in the night of Chambord Islands.

The big event finally ended with the destruction of almost half of the Chambord Islands, a day that no one in the world was prepared for.

In just a few hours, the Chambord Islands experienced heavy blows.

First, the killing of the Tianlong people was broadcast live to the whole world, and then the navy fought on this island, resulting in the destruction of half of the Yarkiman mangroves, countless houses, and countless facilities
So much so that when summing up afterwards, and the fact that the world government deliberately avoided words such as "Dragon Man", this incident was collectively referred to as the "Chambord Islands incident" by the newspapers and the world.

After that, it took several months for the ruined Chambord Islands to recover to its original appearance under the concerted efforts of countless manpower.

Such a major event is over though.

However, the news that was passed on to the whole world in the news newspaper afterward deeply shocked the people who read the newspaper.

The live broadcast signal at that time was accidentally cut off in the middle of the live broadcast.

People all over the world have only seen the incident in which the navy killed the Tianlong people in the first half, and the incident in which the navy turned into a monster and fought with the admiral and other navy in the second half was not broadcast.

Therefore, before reading this newspaper, people all over the world assumed that the Tianlongren incident would end with the main person in this incident being killed by the navy on the spot.

But, to follow word for word the news reports that filled the paper:

The current whereabouts of the fallen navy who brutally killed the world's aristocrats, the Celestial Dragons, are unknown.For this reason, for the arrest of this heinous criminal, a bounty of up to "a billion" Berry will be offered to this criminal.

In addition, if anyone can provide any information about the criminal, a bonus of 1000 million Berry to [-] million Berry will be given.Depending on the importance of the message, rewards exceeding the limit may also be given.

In general.

The news report that spread across the sea told everyone that the man who killed the Draconian had not yet been caught or killed on the spot.

In other words, that person managed to escape from the Chambord Islands unharmed after killing the two Celestial Dragons.

The sea was silent.

The sea was surprised.

The sea is boiling.

The Tianlong people were killed, and the person who killed the Tianlong people escaped alive!

This fact made everyone on the sea feel shuddering, and the whole sea began to make noise.

This incident not only means how courageous and strong that person is.

It also means that for hundreds of years, the aloof image and symbol of the Tianlong people have been destroyed and obliterated without hesitation by a navy that appeared from nowhere, who should be from their own camp.

People who have lived under the fear of the Tianlong people for a long time, saw the objects they wished to cut into pieces day and night, and they woke up overnight, and two of them died directly.

They are happy, they are happy, they are excited.

The shadow of the Tianlong people covering the world, at the moment when the navy killed the Tianlong people, the invisible shroud opened a gap at this moment.

As the news about this spread more and more widely in the world, more and more people know that even in a very remote small fishing village, where few people can read, there are people who start to know the news that the Tianlong people were killed by so-and-so .

The shadows that had been hanging over everyone's heads seemed to disappear suddenly, and the blue sky seemed to become more transparent.

On the foggy road, it seems suddenly bright at the same time.

The navy that killed the Tianlong people opened the door to a new world for the oppressed people all over the world.Hayden opened the door to a new world for people all over the world.

Although the door is now open enough for everyone to pass.

But with the efforts of people all over the world, one day, it will be wide enough to pass everyone.

And those lawless pirates wandering in this boundless sea, seeing a navy reported in the newspaper, even escaped after killing the Tianlongren, they laughed out that they had never experienced it in their life laughing out loud.

And in the revolutionary army at a secret location, no one knows what changes will happen to their plans after seeing the unexpected death of the Tianlong people in the newspaper.

of course.

The world government is clearly aware of what kind of counterattack this news will cause to themselves.


In order to curb this trend that made them think about what might happen in the future, they not only offered a reward of one billion Berry in one go, but even secretly sent all the intelligence agencies to investigate the sea. Deng's news.

Even part of the navy's forces were mobilized by them to collect intelligence.All the navies that were previously related to Hayden were carefully searched to find out any information about Hayden.

However, with Lieutenant General Karp, General Zefa, Lieutenant General He and General Warring States and other high-level officials, the people of the world government didn't think much of the lower-level sea soldiers who knew Hayden.


His favorite islands, usual hobbies, places he wanted to go, etc., in short, might allow them to analyze the information that appeared at Hayden's location, and they asked them all.

However, these intelligences are all random.

The intelligence work of the world government is very serious and careful, not letting go of any tiny details.However, just like before the exam, you knew that there were [-] questions to be tested, but when the test papers were issued, you found out that there were [-] questions to be tested.

Same thing with this.

The demon Xu who flew out from the Chambord Islands, after finding a direction at random, he kept flying, and kept flying.

After flying straight across the windless belt, and flying straight across the invisible sea.

Finally, in his line of sight, he saw a place that was regarded as a continent, not an island, and the feeling of being locked behind him had long since disappeared, so he dared to relax his tense spirit.

Then, without Demon Xu himself realizing it, he suddenly fell asleep while flying, and then he fell heavily from the sky into the offshore sea that was about to reach land, like a bird shot down by a stone.

After spending almost two days on this long-distance flight, he exhausted all his remaining strength, and finally came to this piece of sea called "East China Sea".

Demon Xu flew over almost a quarter of the sea area of ​​One Piece world, and came to the legendary "Eastern Sea".

This near impossible thing.

Of course, people from the world government did not rush here to investigate immediately.

Moreover, the only yellow ape who could catch up with the demon was thrown off by the demon not long after chasing out of the Chambord Islands.

As a result, the figure of Demon Xu disappeared from everyone's eyes, and it would be a long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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