Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 228 The Tavern in Donghai Windmill Village

Chapter 228 The Tavern in Donghai Windmill Village


The shutter door of the tavern in front of him was pushed open by Hayden.

Wet and smelly, he walked in.At a distance of one meter behind him, followed by a black-haired kid holding his nose tightly.

"Sorry, we're closed this morning."

A melodious sound like a crisp bell sounded in the tavern.

Because Hayden suddenly entered the dark environment, after blinking his eyes, he saw clearly the owner of the tavern behind the bar at the moment, Miss Makino.

Her green hair was wrapped in a turban, and she was wiping a wine glass with a white rag in her hand.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that, can I have something to eat?" Hayden said shyly.He never thought that he would fall to such a point, and at this moment he only felt his face burning hot.

He looked like he was in a shipwreck, and at this moment, his belly rang very amicably.This miserable look was shown in the eyes of the kind-hearted Makino.

"Well, wait a moment!"

After Makino was stunned for a moment, he immediately returned to Hayden.

She probably understood what the person in front of her had been through.

As she hurriedly turned back to the back kitchen to make food, she caught a glimpse of Luffy following Hayden.

——Did Luffy bring it?

She thought to herself, and at the same time, she was happy that Luffy knew how to save people.

Later, while Makino was preparing food, Hayden and Luffy sat on the high chairs at the bar.

Although he came to the legendary place after opening his eyes, and saw what the child of the world looked like when he was a child, but his current dire condition really makes him unable to cheer up and satisfy his own curiosity.


Luffy's curiosity became more and more intense when he saw Hayden's appearance at the moment.

Luffy was sitting on a high chair one position away from Hayden, and only then did he take a good look up and down at Hayden's current situation.

His whole body was bruised, and his clothes were dirty and tattered.

Moreover, on the side of this person, there was a terrifying long knife wound, and even though this person was unconscious, he was still holding his two knives tightly.
These various abnormal factors reminded Luffy of the pirate he longed for.

—Could it be that this man is a pirate?
Luffy thought of this with his little brain, and his whole body immediately became excited.

"Are you a pirate!"

He then asked Hayden loudly, and subconsciously let go of the hand holding his nose.


Hayden was taken aback by this question.

He pondered for a while and then said, "No, I am the sea."

He just wanted to say that he was a navy, but he immediately recalled what happened before. After killing two Tianlong people, it seemed that he could not continue to be a navy.

"I'm sort of a pirate."

Hayden said to Luffy hesitantly.

Now that I escaped, I don't know how much bounty the world government will give me.
He stared at the wine cabinet behind the bar in front of him, lost in thought.

After a second.

"Wow!!! Really! Are you that kind of powerful pirate!"

"Do you know a pirate named Shanks!"

"Did you become like this because you were defeated by others!"

For a moment, Luffy's question shot at Hayden like a machine gun.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Hayden quickly stopped Luffy's increasingly violent questions.

The chaos in his head combined with the exhausted feeling in his body, coupled with Luffy's loud noise, he felt like his head was about to explode at this moment.

However, Luffy's noise caused Hayden a headache, but he also learned a piece of news from it, Shanks' news.

That is to say, Shanks, who has not yet become the Four Emperors, is exactly the period when he is staying in the East China Sea.
At the same time, Hayden also learned another piece of news from this news.

It seems that during the period when Shanks was in the East China Sea, Lieutenant General Garp didn't seem to have visited Luffy much.In other words, I don't need to worry about it for the time being, Lieutenant General Garp will hammer him to death.

Hayden sorts out where he is now.

Although I still don't know what happened to my body after being pierced by the demon, but no matter how bad it is now, there shouldn't be any major problems.

After waking up, Hayden's nerves had been tense. After clarifying the situation, even the injuries on his whole body seemed to be relieved a little.

"Little devil, I'll tell you when I'm full." Hayden said perfunctorily to Luffy.

Then, I waited eagerly to smell the fragrance that passed from behind the bar to my nose, and I didn't know that I had been hungry for a few days, so I happily played the song.

Followed by.


Hot air suddenly came out from the door that was pushed open behind the bar.

A burst of food aroma that seemed only in the sky swept Hayden like a storm.Even though Hayden made the tavern smell of the sea, this scent storm dominated the interior space of the tavern in an instant.

However, this might just be an illusion of Hayden who hadn't eaten for three or four days.

Hayden looked at the large plate full of seafood risotto on the bar in front of him, feeling the tangy aroma, even though he couldn't help swallowing, he still restrained the action of eating immediately .

"Sorry, I'll wipe the tables and chairs after this."

Hayden gestured to Makino with his eyes, pointing to the chairs and the bar that were wet from his wet body.

"Oh, it's okay."

Makino was taken aback by the politeness of the man in front of him, and hurriedly replied.

Then, Hayden made a signal, and began to eat the seafood risotto in front of him.

At the same time, while Hayden was eating, Makino started chatting with Luffy next to him, all about how Luffy found Hayden.

Then, the sound of tableware colliding continued to sound.

In the chat between Makino and Luffy, in Hayden's wind and clouds.

In the morning, there should not be many people coming to the tavern, but the shutter door was pushed open again.


This time, hearing the sound of the door, the person who pushed the door should be more emotional.

The tavern owner Makino looked at the door reflexively, "Ah, the village chief. What are you doing here?" She asked immediately when she saw someone coming.

An old man with a striped fisherman hat on his head, round glasses in front of his eyes, and a floral shirt appeared at the door.

There was no expression on his face at the moment, he was staring at the back of Hayden who was buried in his sight.

Because, he heard some villagers come to report that Luffy brought an outsider to the town, and that outsider was carrying two samurai swords.

As the head of Fengche Village, ensuring the safety of everyone in the village is his primary responsibility as a village head.For suspicious aliens carrying weapons, he must maintain the highest vigilance.

The village chief named Up Slap stepped on heavy steps and walked to the side of Hayden who seemed to be alone.

"Report your name and purpose!"

The head of Fengche Village slammed the bar table and shouted in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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