Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 232 The Bandit King

Chapter 232 The Bandit King

"You brat. Ugh."

Hayden muttered to himself, just about to say something.

But he also knows that Lu Fei is peeing, saying anything is just to make himself uncomfortable.

"You saved me from the beach last time, do you remember?"

Hayden tried to give Luffy some hints, anyway, the brat didn't quite understand his situation.

"do not remember."

Luffy, whose cheeks were stuffed with flesh, shook his head and replied.

"Uh" Hayden was stunned by this answer, and then he remembered that Luffy had been looking at his Zanpakuto, "Didn't you like my sword last time?" He put the Zanpakuto on his waist Lu gave Luffy a look.

"Ah! I remember, you are that seagrass man!"

Luffy, whose memory was triggered by the samurai sword, immediately shouted.

And Shanks, who was between Luffy and Hayden, looked confused. After staring at Hayden's face for a while, he finally remembered why this guy's appearance would give him a kind of Familiarity.

this guy is
A year ago, he killed two Celestial Dragons on the Chambord Islands, and then escaped from the siege of the general, and now he is known as the "Dragon Killer" by the world, a billion-berry bounty criminal!

The look in Shanks' eyes became oppressive.

The temperament of the whole person immediately changed from a man who stayed in the bar every day to a man who would not have the slightest fear even if he was about to face the attack of tens of thousands of people.

The crew of Shanks then noticed the captain's change at this moment, and everyone stopped their respective things without saying a word, and then there was a change.

Whether this person is an enemy or a friend is still unknown.

With Makino and Luffy on the side, Shanks had to be prepared.

"Relax, Shanks."

At the same time, Hayden, who noticed the change, immediately signaled Shanks to relax.

Then, he asked Miss Makino behind the bar, "Miss Makino, can I have another seafood risotto from last time? This time I have the money to pay."

Makino looked at the atmosphere in front of him, nodded subconsciously, and went to the back kitchen without saying a word, letting the men deal with matters.

However, she had nothing to worry about.

Shanks she understands.The name seems to be that person named Hayden. Since the village head helped him at that time, there should be nothing to worry about.

"I'm just here to eat. By the way, see if there is a chance to repay the kindness I owe." Hayden shrugged and said casually.

Similarly, he is not worried about Shanks' problems, as long as he is not afraid of involving Makino and Luffy, he will never tell the World Government his location.

Of course, Hayden also wouldn't let his affairs get involved in this small town.


Hayden looked at the cabinet behind the bar to see if there were any sodas such as Coke that he liked.Beer, rum and the like are not what he likes to drink.


Shanks murmured.

Thinking of what this guy said to Luffy just now, "Hahahahahaha!!!" He burst out laughing without warning.


His big hand made a sound on Luffy's head, "You kid, you actually saved someone!"

The smile that Shanks burst out at this moment infected everyone in the room.

Seeing the captain's smile, the crew members under him also laughed and returned to their previous state, as if the brief silence before had never existed at all.

Hayden looked sideways at Shanks laughing.

Although this guy's personality seems to be like this on weekdays, he still feels a little unaccustomed to the current pleasant atmosphere.

Hayden shook his head, not paying attention to Shanks next to him.

As for Shanks whose hand was slapped away by Luffy, he suppressed his laughter.

"Hey, you guys were saved by Luffy, that's really your luck!" Shanks' left hand suddenly hung on Hayden's shoulder, and he patted Hayden twice.

".I said, aren't you a little too familiar with yourself!"

Hayden resisted the man's hand patting him around, and threw Shanks off his arm.

"Well, what does it matter?"

Shanks continued talking to Hayden indifferently.
Then, time in the tavern continued to flow.

Hayden ate his seafood risotto.

Shanks was also a little excited because the man who shocked the world unexpectedly appeared here a year ago.

Luffy continues to mope about Shanks not taking him out to sea.

After a while.

A sound of kicking the door suddenly sounded in the cheerful atmosphere of the tavern.

"Excuse me!"

There was a strange greeting in the tone and then sounded.

"Hehehe, so this is a pirate." The guy who kicked in the door murmured, "It's the first time I've seen it, it looks really stupid!"


Except for Hayden who was indulging in the seafood risotto, everyone in the tavern turned their attention to this visitor.

And the person who kicked in the door.

With a small braid, a fork-shaped scar on his forehead, wearing a windbreaker, and a Western sword pinned to his waist.

At the same time, there were several people behind him, who seemed to be under his command, came in together behind him.

"We are bandits. Today we are not here to rob, sell us ten barrels of bar!" The bandit leader Rixiong standing by the bar asked, looking at Makino.

- Me?Another legendary figure!
Hayden, who was indulging in the seafood risotto, was shocked. The legendary characters were delivered to him one by one.

The conversation of the Bandit King, just like what Hayden recalled in his mind at this moment, is being staged one sentence after another.

But he didn't want to stop it.

The next scene between Shanks and the Bandit King is a relatively deep scene in his memory.At the same time, he also wanted to see with his own eyes whether a character like Shanks was really smashed by someone, and he was not ready to do anything.

Then just listen.


The Bandit King smashed the wine bottle on Shanks' head.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the tavern changed, and an ominous atmosphere filled the air.

Makino had a look of horror on his face.

The thief king's subordinates showed evil smiles.

Shanks' men didn't respond.

Luffy, who was still eating a fruit, was shocked.

"My head is worth 800 million Berries. I am the most wanted man! I have killed 56 self-righteous guys like you."

Rikuma nonchalantly held up his wanted warrant and said to Shanks.


Hayden was very surprised, but the scene he had seen before appeared before his eyes.

Shanks, who was hit by the wine bottle, didn't seem to care.

With his wet head on his face, he got up from the chair and squatted down, then picked up the fragments of the wine bottle, and said at the same time: "I'm so sorry, Miss Makino. Is there a rag?"

Miss Makino, who was stunned, immediately came back to her senses, and replied to Shanks in a panic: "Ah, no need. I will do these things."

Her tone was full of worry and anxiety about the tense situation at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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