Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 237 Ambition

Chapter 237 Ambition
"You kid, you should know what will happen if you appear in front of me."

Garp slowly sat on the high chair in front of the bar, his tall and strong body seemed to be made for the dwarf kingdom.

Hayden followed suit and sat on the high chair, slightly raised his head and looked directly at Lieutenant General Garp in front of him, feeling the oppression on his body like a huge wave.

"I know." He shrugged and replied, "But, I believe there should be nothing wrong with me."


Cap suddenly laughed, as if Hayden had just told a very funny joke.

But after a second.

Suddenly, his subject changed, "Little devil. Are you sure you're okay now?" Garp's tone seemed to drop a few pitches suddenly.


Karp slammed his fist on the countertop of the bar, and then stood up.


Hayden also continued to follow Karp's movements and stood up, his right hand already covering the hilt of the sleeve white snow knife at his waist.Although he knew that he might still be no match for Garp, it was impossible for Garp to kill him directly.

boom! ! !
An invisible shock erupted from Hayden's body.

The aura of spiritual pressure controlled by Hayden all attacked Garp in front of him at this moment.

Behind Hayden, the village chief, Makino, and Luffy felt that the atmosphere in the tavern had changed in an instant, but they didn't understand the specific reason, nor did they feel the positive oppression. feel.

And Garp's body at this moment, the state shown, does not seem to be under any oppression, but in fact, he is at the center of this huge sense of oppression.

Hayden was not surprised either.It was just for him to express his consciousness, so he burst out the spiritual pressure.

Followed by.

After the situation remained like this, there was a stalemate for a while.

Garp stood up, and he sat back on the chair without doing anything.It seems that the tense situation just now never happened at all.

Seeing Lieutenant General Garp's intention not to make a direct move, Hayden also pulled out a little sleeve, and Bai Xue slowly closed it.

With a slight click, Hayden also sat back in the high chair.

So, the two returned to the original situation, sitting face to face.

"Everything, what did you think back then, you brat?"

Garp stared into Hayden's eyes, trying to judge from his eyes whether his next answer was the truth.

Hayden heard this question.He thought about it in his heart, why did he kill the Tianlong people in the first place.His brows subconsciously frowned.

At the beginning, it seemed that the Tianlong people wanted to kill him, right?

His memory about the Chambord Islands is a little fuzzy, and he can't think of the reason for a while, but it should be that he killed the Tianlongren after he saw what the Tianlongren had been doing.

"Well, I saw what happened to those guys." Hayden answered Lieutenant General Garp's question casually.

Garp was surprised by this answer, but not surprised, "Really." He murmured in a trance.

For some unknown reason, although he also disliked the group of Tianlong people, he couldn't find a good way.

Hayden nodded without speaking.

Then, there was silence between the two of them.

After a while.

Seeing that the tense atmosphere between the two disappeared, Makino and the village chief also walked to the side of the two.

"Hayden, do you want to eat now?" Makino asked.

"Oh." Hayden recovered from the silence and nodded immediately, "I'm sorry, Makino."

Being so surprised by Lieutenant General Garp, he almost forgot his original intention of coming here.As soon as he thought of the delicious food he would be able to eat next, the silent Hayden suddenly became emotional.

"Luffy, do you want some soda? I'm treating you today." Hayden, who was a little excited, asked Luffy who was stunned aside.


Luffy, who heard the word soda, suddenly woke up from his stupor.He was overwhelmed just now because his grandfather and the seagrass man seemed to be talking about something very profound.

"Heh." Hayden smiled, "Get it yourself, and bring me a bottle by the way."

"it is good!"

After Lu Fei agreed, he turned over the bar directly, and took down two bottles of soda from one place familiarly.

And Karp, who was watching from the side.

He looked at the familiar appearance of Hayden and Luffy, the veins on his forehead became more and more protruding, and his nostrils began to expand uncontrollably.

Then, it didn't take long.

Hayden finished the seafood risotto in a few mouthfuls, and Luffy also finished his soda.

At this time, Karp watched Hayden intend to leave here directly, as if he didn't take him seriously. "What are you going to do next?" He asked Hayden who stood up.

Calculating the age of this brat, Hayden, he should be only eighteen or nineteen now.

And according to what the Warring States period told him, the information about the monster inside the kid's body, and the kid's own strength.It has been more than a year now, how much this kid's strength has increased, he doesn't know the specifics.

Garp didn't believe that Hayden, a young and energetic kid, would just avoid the world government and live in a small fishing village for the rest of his life.

Hayden, who stood up, listened to the question.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and gave the answer:

"In order not to let myself be wanted for the rest of my life, I plan to turn the world upside down."


The village chief, Makino, and Karp who heard this were all taken aback by the words, and couldn't understand Hayden's real meaning at the first moment.

Hayden didn't intend to explain the meaning of the words, and was about to walk out of the tavern.

Yet at this moment.

Garp, who was stunned, came back to his senses in the blink of an eye, as if he immediately understood the true meaning of Hayden's words after being stunned.


Garp's iron fist slammed on Hayden's head, knocking out a big bump on the top of his head.

But Hayden didn't fight back.

He instantly felt that this attack did not really mean to attack him, but what did Lieutenant General Garp mean by this.

Just when Hayden was wondering.

He suddenly felt, why did he seem to be vacated? ? ?
Then he waited for Hayden to look to his left.

I saw that Lieutenant General Garp lifted him up, and he also carried a person in his left hand, and that person was Luffy who was struggling indiscriminately.

"Hey hey hey!" Hayden yelled, unable to understand Cap's meaning.

Luffy on Garp's left hand also yelled and yelled.

Garp was holding the two brats in one hand, but he didn't care about the shouting of the two brats, "You two follow me obediently!"

After Garp greeted the village chief and Makino, he took Hayden and Luffy out of the tavern together.

after that.

With Garp carrying two people, he began to walk step by step in the direction of Mount Korpo.

 In the past few days, I just released Chapter 1 of the new book, and the outline, volume, outline, etc. have not been produced yet.Let me tell you in advance, the next book is a time-travel theme, and my brain hurts (`ω).Also, thanks to the book friends who voted for this book in February, voted for recommendation, and subscribed.I didn't even think that this book could be written to 2 yuan. In the last few days, I was dumbfounded by the amount of monthly tickets. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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