Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 240 2 years later

Chapter 240 Two Years Later

The time is after every time Hayden swings a knife, every time Hades.

Day by day, day by day.

As if it was just yesterday, soon, the time has come to January of 1514 in the lunar calendar.

It has been two years since Hayden set off from the Windmill Village in the East China Sea.

Counting the time he spent in Windmill Village for about a year, Hayden, the "fallen navy" who killed two Celestial Dragons, has disappeared in the sea for more than three years.

Regarding the existence of Hayden, Dahai still remembered that it was the navy that killed the two Tianlong people, but they couldn't think of the specific information at the first time.

In the past three years, Hayden has traveled all over the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Take the windless belt that marks the first half of the great route in the middle as a curb, and cross it at will.But he didn't stay on the great route for a while, he just passed by.

To get stronger.

Hayden endured almost repeated exercises every day, rushing, killing enemies, exercising, psychic, and going through the day mechanically.

Knowledge color, armed color, Reiatsu, virtualization, Senbon Sakura Hajime, and Sode Shirayuki's swastika, each ability has become better with the passage of time.

At this moment.

In the windless belt near the East China Sea, there is an unnamed island.

On a windless island with few people, the flora and fauna on the island are exaggerated to an incredible degree.All kinds of strange plants grow wildly, and the various beasts are unbelievable.

Of course, this is only for the average person.

A natural hot spring on the island.

Hayden, who had disappeared for three years, was resting with his eyes closed, preparing for the next step.His body from the head down was soaked in the hot spring that exuded a strong sulfur smell.

On the ground next to the hot spring, there are two beasts whose systems are so large that they can fill a hot spring the size of a swimming pool. They look like orangutans.

They didn't come to this hot spring to kill the intruder Hayden, but——

"Boss, is our fan okay?"

Said the gorilla who was holding a large leaf and carefully fanning Hayden.

Then the gorilla opposite it added: "Boss, it's not our two brothers who blow. We are the best fans in this area." Its tone seemed to be very proud of their two brothers' skills.

"Yeah." Hayden nodded without opening his eyes, "You two can indeed do it. Chimpanzee [-], Chimpanzee [-], you did a good job." There was a hint of appreciation in his tone.

Hayden likes to be in a hot spring, feel the breeze blowing by, and put himself in a delicate state between hot and cool.

Suddenly, in the silence of the atmosphere.

Hayden, who still had his eyes closed, said a faint sentence: "Ape, newspaper."

Hearing what the boss said, Gorilla seemed to have done the next thing many times, "Yes." After he replied, his strong legs kicked, and his body jumped high.

Then, a moment passed quickly.

After a bang, Chi Yi landed on the ground, holding a newspaper that was obviously much smaller than his palm size.

"Boss. Here's today's paper."

It's early morning now.

However, the general newsbird delivery time for newspapers is not at this point in time.


Hayden couldn't help frowning, and after catching the newspaper, he opened his eyes.

For the past three years, his only entertainment time every day is to read Newsbird's newspaper.

Hayden would read all the newspapers delivered word by word.

However, he didn't find anything worthy of his attention in recent years.

Oh, a few days ago, Otohime, the Queen of the Murloc Island, was making a lot of noise about the Murloc Island, and was talking about moving the Murloc Island to land.

What's more, that Kaixia Jinpei became Qiwukai during this period of time.

While looking at the newspaper that seemed to be delivered early today, Hayden recalled what happened in the past in his heart.

Hmm. Still nothing noteworthy.

He thought to himself, after reading page by page, the frowning brows gradually eased.

The newspaper came to the last page.

That is to say, the news agency is specially used to release some gossip, or the news that dare not put it in the newspaper.Anyway, there are all kinds of unconfirmed news, some are deceptive, and some are true, it all depends on the people who read it to distinguish.

"Shocked! Recently, an unknown force actually robbed the 'Heavenly Gold'." Hayden whispered silently.

Heavenly gold?
When Hayden saw this special term, he immediately remembered what gold in the sky was.

To put it simply, it is the members of the countries that join the world government, and they have to hand over the treasures to the Tianlong people every year.And this collection of treasures is the treasures of more than 170 franchise countries around the world.

The treasure value of "gold in the sky" is so high that it is terrifying.

Many franchise countries did not hand in real and usable Berry.

Instead, they hand over special specialties in their respective countries, and in some places, the prices of special specialties have already exceeded the market prices of the specialties themselves.

In general, except for the Tianlong people, for any person, this is only one year of "heavenly gold", which is enough to make him more than half of his life.

"Hmph. Someone robbed the gold from the sky."

Hayden couldn't help but frowned again and thought.

The existence of gold in the sky is not as mysterious as it sounds. It is impossible for more than 170 member countries to hand in things every year, and it is impossible to keep them secret.

It's just because everyone knows that the gold in the sky is something for the Tianlong people, and there is no guy who doesn't have a brain and dares to provoke the Tianlong people.Dare to provoke the existence of Tianlongren, Tiantianjin is of little value to them.


Hayden was feeling that his recent strength could no longer grow, so he also planned to find a day to return to the sea.Of course, it is not intended to appear in the eyes of the world government swaggeringly.

Go to sea this time.

He has considered all aspects of Hayden.

First of all, in order to build an invincible warship for myself in the future, and overturn the world, the funds needed to be spent.

He was worrying about the source of funds, but unexpectedly, this gossip provided him with an excellent idea.

"Gorilla [-], gorilla [-], it looks like it's time for me to leave here." After throwing away the newspaper, Hayden stood up from the hot spring pool, revealing his robust body covered with large and small scars.


Gorilla [-] and Gorilla [-] were immediately surprised by Hayden's words.

No, they were so shocked that they couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe that their boss planned to leave, didn't they agree to last forever?
Chimpanzee [-], Chimpanzee [-], and Chimpanzee [-] looked at the boss who was getting dressed with extremely sad expressions.As for the two chimpanzees, no one knows what is going on in their hearts.

in a while.

Hayden was already fully dressed.

On his head was a bamboo hat made of straw, and he was wearing a system-style self-cultivating deadly suit, with a pale pink feather fabric that was close to pure white.

Finally, he put a one-eyed black patch on the left eye.

Suddenly, a strong sense of oppression erupted from Hayden's body.

But it disappeared immediately, to the point that the gorilla [-] and gorilla [-], who felt the oppression, thought it was their own illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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