Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 244: 1 Meters Under the Sea

Chapter 244 [-] Meters Under the Sea
Ten minutes later.

The people on the deck who were intimidated by Hayden's spiritual pressure also gradually recovered at this time.

However, without exception, complex emotions remained on everyone's faces, either frightened or bewildered.

"Okay." The relieved captain Gerrard shouted loudly: "That man is the one I promised to come down yesterday, and he will go to the new world with us." He informed the other people in the fleet.

As for the people who were still in a state of fright, they nodded in a daze, expressing their understanding.Then, Gerald was not needed to issue an order, and everyone immediately returned to their previous positions.

Another ten minutes passed.

The three Spanish galleons of the White Dragon Fleet are all ready for the penultimate dive, and they are only one step away from diving directly under the surface of the sea.

Followed by.

One of the men on the boat jumped into the sea, swam under the hull, and let go of the buoyant bag that was attached to the hull.

Just listen, "Hiss, hiss." There was a sound like a balloon inflated.


Hayden in the cabin immediately saw the substantial changes brought about by this sound.With the sound of the sound, the coated membrane of the entire hull gradually swelled, submerged the calves, submerged the waist, and finally enveloped the entire galleon in a huge soap bubble.

"Is this the membrane that can withstand the pressure of the seabed?"

Hayden couldn't help walking from the cabin to the deck, muttering to himself.He had never boarded a fully coated vessel.

Hayden couldn't help but walked to the side of the boat, reached out and touched the soap bubbles on the outer periphery, and felt that they were no different from those on the Chambord Islands.

And just this layer of bubble film can allow their big ship to withstand the infinite pressure of sea water and dive to a depth of [-] meters on the seabed.

Rao is Hayden, who has the strength to cut through mountains with a single knife, and can't help but feel a little awe of the products of nature in this world.

"Tell the other two ships," the captain of the White Dragon Fleet, Gerald, shouted to the flag bearer: "We should dive!!"

The words fall.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! !
The huge sailing ship suddenly began to shake violently, causing the sea water around the hull to churn into pure white waves.

Standing on the deck, Hayden could clearly feel that the hull under his feet was gradually sinking below the surface of the sea, and a sense of tension rose in his heart.

Always the first time.

With a touch of tension and anticipation about the unknown field——

Boom! ! !

The huge three-masted sailing ship sank completely below the surface of the sea.

some time passed.

Three Spanish galleons sank to the bottom of the sea without stopping.

In the surrounding 360-degree viewing angle, the number of fish appears more and more, more and more different.

What hasn't changed in the eyes of everyone on board is always the huge roots of the Yarkiman mangrove around their hull.

The huge tree roots stretched all the way into the darkness below.

Only then did Hayden know, and only then did he remember that the roots of the destroyed trees in the Chambord Islands above may not be even one percent of the length of the Yarkiman mangrove.

The light projected into the sea from the sky also gradually dimmed with the depth of the dive.

For everyone on board, the familiar world, the world that can be controlled, is going away little by little.

They are small, and they are about to enter a world that does not belong to them.


The White Dragon Fleet came to a submarine waterfall with a diameter of hundreds of meters.The waterfall is falling towards the dark seabed at a terrifying speed.

If you want to reach the deep sea, you don't just wait for the ship to fall towards the bottom of the sea after coating the ship.

In order to reach the deep sea, one must find the deep currents that lead directly to the deep sea from the relatively calm currents on the surface.

And the huge rushing waterfall in front of everyone's eyes is the deep ocean current leading to the deep sea.

Then, under the command of the captain Gerald, who was somewhat familiar with the submarine routes, the three galleons entered the deep ocean current that went straight to the bottom of the sea at [-] meters.

The light disappears.

The whole world around seems to be able to perceive only each other's breathing, and the slight sound of the bow of the boat across the sea.

At this time, the surroundings were pitch black.

Even with Hayden's knowledgeable domineering, he couldn't clearly perceive what was around him.

When there is nothing around and nothing can be seen, it is easier to blur the feeling after the knowledge color is turned on.

But this situation also means that their fleet has reached the bottom of the sea at a depth of about 7000 meters.

There was a sound of some kind of switch being turned on.

Immediately, in the extremely dark world, there was a light that could see the world around him clearly.Surrounding the hulls of the three huge sailing ships, several strong searchlights were lit.

As it turned out, just when Hayden was thinking that these guys still had something.

In the surrounding seawater illuminated by strong light, various sea beasts of unbelievable size suddenly appeared.

“too close”

Hayden looked around the surroundings of the ship. The three ships they had now were shuttling among the sea beasts.He couldn't help but put his hand on the sleeve Baixue around his waist, getting ready.

This is the case now.

As long as any sea beast suddenly finds them unpleasant, it can swallow one of their ships in one bite.And they who lost their bubble membranes will be instantly eliminated by the pressure in the seawater in less than a second.

But okay.

The White Dragon Fleet, which specializes in business, seems to have a special way to deal with sea beasts.Among the terrifying herd of sea beasts, the three large sailing ships continued to march toward the depths of the seabed.

I don't know how much time has passed.


A light appeared ahead.

The light was not the light of a strong searchlight, but a light that was closer to natural light.

The fleet slowly approached the light.

Then, without everyone realizing it, they were actually shrouded in dazzling light, which even blurred everyone's eyes for a while.


After a dull sound, Hayden felt the boat under his feet touch some kind of ground.

The blurred vision gradually became clear.

Hayden subconsciously looked towards the bow of the ship.

Then, in the reflection of his pupils, a huge bubble floating in the center of the bottom of the sea was reflected.

Under the dazzling light, surrounded by sea water, surrounded by various schools of fish.

The legendary Fishman Island appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Such an amazing world"

Hayden looked at the Murloc Island not far ahead, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and mouth.

As a person who came from time travel, although I have seen a variety of strange worlds in the past ten years.However, the Murloc Island in front of him was different, completely different, different on another level.

This strong impact and visual sensation cannot be described in words at all.

"Fishman Island, we have arrived!!"

Captain Gerald stood at the bow and shouted to his sailors.

Even though he has seen it many times, every time he sees this wonder of the world, he still can't help showing his excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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