Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 254 Hey, everyone!

Chapter 254 Hey, everyone!

Right at this moment.

Hayden suddenly noticed that Doflamingo seemed to have finished talking about the matter, and wanted to leave.

Oh oh oh, you guy must never leave here
Hayden thought to himself.

Although there was Lieutenant General Dalmesia there, the person he didn't want to attack, but with his appearance skills, the Lieutenant General should be able to resist him.

Thinking this way, he quietly walked out of the hiding place.

However, as soon as he came out, none of the people from the World Government who were waiting near the port immediately noticed Hayden's sudden appearance.

Aiming towards the port with both hands, pointing at Doflamingo's body, a majestic Reiatsu immediately accumulated in front of Hayden's palm.

A dazzling blue light suddenly bloomed in front of Hayden.

And such a sudden dazzling blue light, of course, spread to the pier where Doflamingo and the others were at the moment.

"what is that!?"

"Doflamingo, did you do it!?"

Vice Admiral Dalmesia of the Navy and people from the World Government immediately questioned Doflamingo.The blue light that appeared in the eyes at this moment was very ominous to both of them.

As for Doflamingo, he reacted similarly to the two of them.He frowned and looked at the blue light, without answering the questions of the two people next to him.

But his silence, for the current situation, is also an answer to both the navy and the world government - he doesn't know what that thing is.

Almost less than a second passed.

Just in Doflamingo, Dalmesia, and people from the World Government, the idea of ​​dodging and leaving the place just arose in their hearts.

At this time.

Hayden's breakaway, in just over a second, was ready to complete.

"Breaking the Way 88——Flying Dragon Fights Thieves · Shocking Thunder Cannon!!"

The faint voice fell.

The Reiatsu energy accumulated in Hayden's hands at this moment was like a long dragon made entirely of thunder. After a terrifying scream, it flew through the air in the blink of an eye and came to Doflamingo and the others. where you are.

The huge, pure thunder energy even shook the ground of Hong Kong at this moment.

A long ravine was formed on the road it passed, leaving behind a scorched black ground.

next moment.

Thunder hit something and was blocked from moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, a strong explosion appeared in the form of soaring into the sky.

A billowing thick smoke, following the sparks from the explosion, spread outwards, sweeping the area around the explosion.

Hayden, who made a breakthrough, squinted his eyes to cover the wind and sand, staring at the place where the explosion rose, and he was waiting for someone to come out.

He also knew that this simple attack would not directly kill anyone. If he wanted to directly kill the three people gathered there, he would not have shown up in advance, and at the same time replaced it with a very strong attack.

This trick just means that he is coming.And let Lieutenant General Dalmesia, Creed's father stay away a little.

Three bursts of smoke sounded immediately.

At the same time, there was also the sound of the violent explosion that alarmed everyone on the Red Harbor.

a time.

The entire Red Harbor was in chaos.

The purest and sharpest cries of babies, the sounds of various doors and windows colliding, and the noisy footsteps that seem to shake a trace of the ground.
Anyway, all kinds of noises are mixed into a huge momentum at this moment.

Hayden couldn't help frowning.

Hong Kong is said to be a huge port, but in fact, if you look at it by the standards of the battlefield, it can probably be described as the size of a home, the toilet.

His shot just now was due to the fact that Doflamingo and the others were behind the sea, so he dared to launch it directly like this.Otherwise, the Red Harbor would have been sunk by them before the fight started for a few minutes.

"Who are you guy!!"

Of the three people who broke through from the explosion, Doflamingo took the lead to lift the two people next to him and asked Hayden.The expression on his face was not very good, he noticed that the attack just now seemed to be coming directly at him.

Next to him, Vice Admiral Dalmesia, also showed a serious expression.As for the people of the world government, his face is so invisible that no one can see any emotions.

And Hayden.

He was still wearing a bamboo hat on top of his head, making it impossible for the three people standing face to face with him to determine the identity of the attacker.


Hayden under the bamboo hat chuckled lightly.

He imagined in his mind, three years later, the scene where he revealed his true colors for the first time.Are you surprised?Still surprised?
Three years later, Hayden has no fear of anyone who would take his life.

this moment.

Hayden's chuckle seemed particularly abrupt in the noisy surroundings at this moment, which was filled with a trace of fear.

The man in the bamboo hat laughed.

Doflamingo, Lieutenant General Dalmesia, and the World Government did not think of anyone they knew.

The intention of the man in the bamboo hat is obviously the gold in the sky on the boat behind him, otherwise that guy would attack them inexplicably.The three of them began to wonder who the man in the bamboo hat was, after all, that guy was so courageous that he dared to be an enemy to all three of them at the same time.

At the same time, the three of them also unanimously focused part of their attention on the surrounding environment to guard against the attack of this person's accomplice.As for the possibility that the bamboo hat man committed the crime alone, the three of them have not yet dared to think of this.

"Yo." Hayden waved to the three people not far in front of him, "This time, it's really been a long time, everyone." He said with a smile.

The words fall.

He brushed the bamboo hat covering his face behind his head, and the silk thread hanging around his neck prevented the hat from falling, revealing his face.

Clean and neat black hair, a black eye patch on the left eye, and a long scar on the side cheek.

And under the changes of these external factors, it is Hayden's innate appearance.

Dalmesia and Doflamingo, as well as people from the World Government, all have faces that have been deeply remembered.

"Hayden!!!" Dalmesia exclaimed in surprise.

"That brat." Doflamingo raised an unknown arc at the corner of his mouth.

"It's you!??" The expression in the white costume was stunned.

Three people, three same reactions with slight differences.


Hayden made a nasal sound. Looking at the reactions of the three, he couldn't help nodding, expressing that he was very satisfied with the reactions of the three of them.


The three people who were shocked didn't launch an attack on him in an instant as Hayden had imagined in advance.

The three people who were stunned were still in place.

Maybe he was too shocked by his sudden appearance, Hayden thought.

Then, since they didn't say anything, he was not polite.

(End of this chapter)

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