Chapter 258 One on One

It's all about that pirate Doflamingo.
If you want to solve the battle quickly, you can only use powerful moves.And it's impossible to use a powerful move against Doflamingo on Red Harbor without any "collateral damage".

The current situation is an endless loop, and there is no good way.

Feeling a headache, Hayden withdrew his gaze from looking down at Hong Kong, and returned his 100% attention to the two people in the air in front of him.

Now Doflamingo is the one he needs to deal with most urgently, and the two people in front of him.
"Uncle Da, what an offense."

Hayden said simply, using a voice in the air that could be heard by Dalmesia on the opposite side.


Whoops! !
It was like the sound of a gust of wind blowing through the air.

Hayden's figure suddenly disappeared where he was before. It seemed that the sudden gust of wind had taken him away.

At the same time, the man in white who was attacking Hayden was also thrown into the air because of Hayden's sudden disappearance, and the attack hit a cloud of air.

next moment.

When neither of the two people in the air reacted in time, Hayden who disappeared abruptly came behind Lieutenant General Dalmesia.

The flow of time seems to slow down at this moment.

At least in Hayden's eyes, time seemed to slow down at this moment.

He could see the lieutenant general in front of him, he had sensed his movement, and he was turning his head.He can also see that in front of the lieutenant general at this moment, the people from the world government will also be aware of his current position and are preparing to sprint.


for Hayden
His right palms were suddenly closed together and tightened, making a sword-hand posture, and the effect of the armed color appeared immediately.

next second.

With his eyes aimed at the back of Lieutenant General Dalmesia's neck in front of him, he slashed straight down.

The pitch-black knife poked open the air.

It looked very slow, but in fact, the speed of this attack surpassed Dalmesia's reflexes.Dalmesia didn't have time to defend, but under instinctive control, he immediately covered the back of the upper body with the armed arrogance.

The hand knife hits the aiming point directly.

boom! ! !
Suddenly, an explosion-like roar exploded in the sky and spread.

Dalmesia was hit, his eyes were immediately hit by this heavy blow, and he was temporarily stunned, lost his clear consciousness, and his eyes turned white.

His body, on the other hand, received a strong impact from the hand knife, like a falling meteorite, hitting the naval warship below.

After another bang, the deck of the warship was smashed down by Dalmesia, directly smashing a big hole.Then, a burst of sawdust flew, mixed with thick smoke and dust, and spread over the warship.

at the same time.

After the time returned to the original situation, the people of the world government rushed over immediately, just in time for the first time after Hayden knocked out Lieutenant General Dalmesia.

However, for Hayden.

Dealing with people from the world government, then he doesn't need to take non-fatal, just stun methods.

The man in white focused all his attention on Hayden's head, held his breath, tensed the muscles of his right leg, and poured and moved all the strength that could be mobilized in his whole body to his right leg.

boom! !

The next moment, he slammed another powerful whip attack towards Hayden's head.


Hayden squatted down suddenly, dodging the whip kick that scraped the air above his head and roared.At the same time, he also held the hilt of Sode Shirayuki on his left waist with his right hand, and the scabbard of Sode Shirayuki with his left hand.

Then, at this moment like lightning and flint.

With his right hand, Hayden pulled out a bit of Sode Shirayuki's blade, and raised his head slightly to stare at the person who attacked him in front of him.

There seemed to be some surprise in his eyes, because he avoided him and attacked more violently than before.

Hayden still had an indifferent look on his face.

After the whip leg left the area above his head, he immediately stood up, and at the same time as he stood up, he also took advantage of the trend to completely draw Sode Shirayuki from the scabbard, and then swung the blade calmly.

Sode Baixue's ordinary blade slanted across the person in front of him.

Then, Hayden didn't stop dancing the knife.

Holding Baixue in his hands, he immediately swung in a space about fifty centimeters in front of him in such a way that even afterimages appeared.


It was as if time returned to normal around Hayden.

In the eyes of Doflamingo below, the people from the World Government were split into two by Hayden's swing of the knife just now.

At the same time, a large amount of blood sprayed from that person's body stopped flying at a distance of about [-] centimeters from the surface of Hayden's body, as if hitting an invisible wall.No, it should be like the blood couldn't heal the kid's whole body at all, so it was disintegrated by something.


A slight sound suddenly appeared.

This was the sound of Hayden slowly retracting the knife into its sheath in the sky.

The sound also brought Doflamingo's mind back to the reality in front of him.

Interesting, the kid from a few years ago has grown to this extent now.

He sighed in his heart, he couldn't even see through that kid's every move just now, how much strength was hidden in his scabbard and had not been displayed.


He hasn't fallen behind in the past few years.

Dofulangming thought to himself, his eyes hidden under the pink sunglasses, then flashed an ominous smile, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

at this time.

At the same moment, Hayden, who joined the knife, turned his gaze to Doflamingo below.

Now Lieutenant General Dalmesia and the people from the World Government have been dealt with by him, and in the end only Doflamingo is left, and there is still a little trouble to deal with.

The eyes of the two met again.

It seems that eyes, which have no real objects, are like two laser rays shooting out from each other's eyes at this moment.


The non-existent laser rays, the sound of collision sounded, as if layers of air waves were stirred up in midair.


At this time, there seemed to be something in the air, and at the middle point between the two, there was a collision, and there was a loud bang like an auditory hallucination just now.

Boom! ! !
The bang sounded again.

This time it sounded continuously.


In the eyes of all the people hiding in the house in Hong Kong looking out of the window.

It was originally bright daylight, but it suddenly went dark, and the entire Hong Kong lost its color at this moment.

But then in the darkness, a strange red-black light burst out.

And near the port, it happened to be able to see the eyes of the residents in the direction of the port.

In the midair of the port, something like thunder appeared out of thin air, and that electric light actually had a frightening red and black light.

(End of this chapter)

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