Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 279 Devil's Son Nicole Robin

Chapter 279 Devil's Son Nicole Robin
"Leave the pier——!"

"Tom is showing his ferocity!!"

Because of Tom's action of tearing off the handcuffs, the surrounding citizens quickly distanced themselves from Tom.However, they didn't go far, after all, there are people from the navy and the world government here.

Tom didn't care what the people around him thought of him.

There was no expression on his blood-stained face.

——It is the world government who blames us; it is also the world government who wants to judge us.

——This kind of suspicion is impossible to clear up, this time it is really going to be over
Tom looked at Frankie and Bingberg, his two apprentices, and then at the people from the World Government in front of him, feeling very complicated in his heart.

It must be very painful for the pure ship I built to be used for this kind of thing.You must really want to beat that guy up!Frankie!
Tom thought unwillingly, his eyes fixed on Spandam.

Then, something that no one expected happened.

"Drink it——!!!"

The murloc Tom, who possessed strange strength, punched Spandam's right cheek with a fist the size of a jar, before everyone could react.

"Mr. Tom!!!"

"Mr. Tom stop it!!!"

His two apprentices, as well as his pet yokozuna and his good friend, Granny Coco, were all shocked by Tom's behavior at the moment.

Spandam was hit so hard that his brain went blank for a second.

However, it seems that Tom didn't use much strength. You must know Tom's strange strength as a murloc, he can lift a three-masted ship at will with one hand.

With what little clarity of will he had left, Spandam shouted the order to shoot.The sailors who had surrounded Tom pulled the trigger at the same time and fired an anesthesia bomb.

The atmosphere in the air at this moment is like the calm before the storm.

After a while.

Looking at the subdued Tom, Tom's two apprentices became emotional.

The citizens watching around had Tom's "crazy" appearance just now in their minds, and their attitudes began to completely turn to the side of the world government, and they began to talk about Tom's evil.

this moment.

As if to Tom even his breathing was a sin.

Several rounds of anesthesia bombs just made Tom unable to move, his consciousness did not fall asleep.

He knelt on the ground of the port and looked directly at the referee, "The chief referee attacked the judicial ship. I plead guilty!"

His tone was intermittent, and the anesthesia bomb had an effect after all.

".However, I have a request."

"You said that the credit for building the 'Sea Train' can offset a crime. If that is the case, I hope to offset today's crime."

Tom's words silenced everyone present.

At this time, the chief referee also slowly said to him:
"Even if, as you said, we are only going back to the situation 14 years ago. You are still guilty. The crime of building a ship for 'One Piece' can still give you the death penalty!!"

It seemed to Tom that this was better.

Suddenly, without warning, Tom yelled something that no one expected.

"I'm so proud of helping Roger with his errands!!!"

Tom's words echoed clearly over the port, making it clear to everyone present.

"He is too"

"So proud to have helped One Piece."

"—He wants to rebel!"

"Cruel murlocs!!"

The onlookers began to discuss.

after that.

Tom said something to Franky, and then the effects of the narcotic ammunition in his body finally started to go deep.

Tom fell to the ground.

The huge body let out a bang.At the same time, it was like a heavy drum sounding in the hearts of Frankie and Bingshan, the people close to him.

Spandam wanted to arrest all three of them, but the referee overruled his order and sentenced Tom alone.

Hayden, who was hiding aside, watched the people from the World Government take away Tom who was lying on the ground, and let Franky and Tom's other disciple go.

However, just when Hayden wanted to leave here, he went to the station to check the situation first.

Taking advantage of Spandam's inattention, Franky snatched the long gun held by a sailor, and slammed the butt of the gun on Spandam's face, causing his face, which had already been attacked, to look anew. Take a hard hit.

"—I rely on it."

Hayden's steps were interrupted by Franky's impulsiveness.He didn't expect this guy to be comparable to himself, to be so fierce.

Seeing that the surrounding sailors planned to deal with Frankie directly, Hayden's plan was completely disrupted, and he could only immediately decide to save Frankie first.

Hayden's figure protruded partly from the shadows.

But before he could take any action, Franky relied on his own ability to escape from the encirclement of the sea soldiers.


Hayden didn't know what to say.

at the same time.

The mysterious woman who was standing on the other side of the port before, she was finally about to walk to the place where Hayden was hiding without attracting anyone's attention.


Seeing those people from the world government leaving one after another, Hayden also planned to leave here immediately and rush to the station first.

Stepping out instantly, Hayden's figure instantly disappeared into this shadow, just like when he came, he left quietly.


The mysterious woman who was about to approach Hayden let out a soft cry.

Before she called out Hayden's name, Hayden's figure disappeared before her eyes out of thin air, and she didn't have time to react at all.

Her emotions were the same as at the station before, and she went through a 'roller coaster of emotions' again.Therefore, her disguise, which should not attract anyone's attention, showed a flaw without her realizing it.

And this flaw.

It happened to be noticed by the intelligence personnel of the nearby world government.

"That woman must be that one."

The intelligence agents of the world government stared so hard that their eyeballs almost fell out, as if they couldn't believe it.Can't believe he caught a glimpse of that in a random glance - the Devil's Son, Nicole Robin.

Keep watching.

Looking at the face that was similar to the photo in the latest information, he was quite sure that the woman in the dark purple cowboy hat was the devil's son, Nicole Robin.

He took out the phone bug, and the phone signal was sent directly to Marine Vanduo, the Navy headquarters.Then soon, an order from over there came over, telling him to continue to monitor, and support would arrive soon.

The phone bug was shut down by General Warring States.

The navy immediately began to assemble a team, ready to go to the capital of seven waters to capture the son of the devil, Nico Robin.

Followed by.

Robin's figure suddenly disappeared from the intelligence officer's sight.


The intelligence agent couldn't help but yelled, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! !
(End of this chapter)

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