Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 281 One Piece Shipbuilder Acquired

Chapter 281 One Piece Shipbuilder Acquired


Facing the ferocious firepower close at hand, Hayden, who stood still, did not dodge immediately.Even the bullets fired at the same time have already locked all the space in front of him.

- Swish!

Hayden's figure suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

bang bang bang! ! !
The rain of bullets hit immediately, and in the last second Hayden's rear wooden carriage wall shot out countless small holes, sawdust splattered and smoke rose.


"Where is that person!!"

The smoke covered the position where Hayden was standing just now, making Spandam and several of his men invisible for the first time.

However, Tom who was standing next to them at this time, Tom who had recovered from the effect of the tranquilizer bomb, noticed Hayden's movements at the moment.He was the first to turn to the rear compartment to look.

"You guys are too naive."

Hayden's voice faintly sounded from the rear compartment.


"This person is so fast!!"

Spandam's men immediately realized that this guy was probably not someone they could deal with.

Spandam was also greatly frightened.

"You guy, who are you! Don't you know that we are the cp5 of the world government!!"

While Spandam was terrified, he did not forget to show his name to deter the attacker in front of him.Although he knew that since this guy dared to do something like this, he must understand what would happen afterwards.

Hayden smiled.

"I know who you are, damn Pandam, right?" He paused when he said this, put the hat on his head with his right hand, and the sunglasses on his face with his left hand, "But, do you know who I am?"


Spandam and his men shook their heads in unison, and even Tom next to him was a little curious.


Hayden chuckled lightly, and there was a hint of evil in his laughter.

He took off his hat, took off his sunglasses, and completely exposed his entire face to Spandam and his men.However, the reason why he showed his true colors was only to make Tom go with him.

The moment when the disguise was removed.

The atmosphere in the carriage seems to have been solidified enough that it can be cut with a real knife.

Spandam and his men froze, and so did Tom.

Although they live in this place in the first half of the great voyage, it seems that they are far away from the top-level things, but newspapers are something that everyone will read.

They knew the real identity of this person, this man who appeared in front of them, and the reason why his reputation spread throughout the world.

"You, you, why are you here!!!"

Spandam, who came back to his senses, couldn't even utter a simple sentence, and his expression was extremely stiff. Even he understood that when he met a character like Hayden, his life was no longer in his own In the palm of your hand.

Since this guy dared to kill Tianlong people, then this guy dared to kill him directly.

He couldn't control his footsteps and wanted to step back. Anyway, he wanted to distance himself from Hayden as much as possible. He didn't even want to deal with Tom, his prisoner.

"It's over!!"

"It's over! We're done for today!!"

Spandam's subordinates also wailed and made the same movements as their chief.At this moment, they are all tightly attached to the bulkhead at the junction of the carriages, and they are almost not integrated into a whole.

"Is it for me?"

Tom said to himself in a low voice, such a sensational person, probably only came to this place for the boat he built.


Hayden looked at the reactions of those guys in Spandam and was very satisfied with it.

Immediately afterwards, his tone dropped sharply, down to a level that made one's hairs stand on end, "Okay, it's time for the playfulness to end," he said bluntly.

The voice fell.

Before Spandam and his men had time to beg for mercy.

With a swish, Hayden's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes again as before.


Spandam and his subordinates only felt a breeze blowing by their ears, and they suddenly realized, why did their heads turn to the back?How can you see what is behind you with the sight of your eyes?

Boom boom boom! ! !
Corpses fell one after another on the floor of the carriage.


Seeing this scene, Tom couldn't help swallowing his saliva.He had never seen such quick and ruthless methods.

"Okay, Mr. Tom." Hayden patted the dust on his hands, turned to look at Tom, "You should know what I need, so I don't need to say more. Although you see me like this, I I want you to understand that I'm actually a good guy."

".Understood." Tom nodded submissively, he was indeed a 'good man'.

However, since he was rescued in this way, Tom as a murloc could actually jump directly into the sea. Anyway, it was impossible for this human being to keep up with him in the sea.

Such a thought crossed Tom's mind for a second.

But he was very clear about the strength of Hayden in front of him. This guy who was able to escape from the siege of the admiral three years ago was definitely not within his reach.

"Let's go."

Tom snapped off the handcuffs on his hands and said to Hayden.

Hayden watched his movements but was not in a hurry, and gestured for him to wait for a while, "It will be here soon," he said.

Tom thought a little strangely, what's coming?

Followed by.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the roof of the carriage, and then with a bang, Franky, who had been pushed into the sea by Hayden earlier, appeared on the stage.


"Mr. Tom!!"

Both of them exclaimed at the same time, neither of them could believe the appearance of the other.

clap clap clap! !

Hayden slapped his hands and signaled them, "Okay, okay, you can save these until it's safe, we should go."

"You are... that person just now!!"

Franky pointed at Hayden's body and yelled, looked Hayden up and down, and found that the guy's clothes were exactly the same as the guy who pushed him into the sea just now, "Who are you? Why did you come to rescue Mr. Tom!"

Uh, it seems that my name is not well known.
Hayden thought to himself, ignored Franky for the time being, and looked at Tom, "We should really go," he said.

"Yeah." Tom nodded emphatically.

Being put on this train was something he did voluntarily, and there was nothing he could do about it.However, now that something like this happened suddenly, he had no choice but to follow the tide of the sea with him.

What will happen next, you can only go with the flow.

after that.

The three of Hayden and his party secretly returned to the capital of seven waters in the boat that Franky took.

Tom had thought of going back first, to his own shipbuilding company under the pier, to get some things.

But at the same time, those people from the World Government seem to have swarmed into their territory, looking for something everywhere.

The Shipbuilding Workshop is temporarily unavailable.

As for other places, the three of them couldn't think of where to go.

Hayden was a little distressed. Tom's figure was too abnormal, and he couldn't easily blend into the crowd at all.

(End of this chapter)

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