Chapter 103 Worry
In the prime minister's mansion, in Li Yuanzhong, Mo Tianyao walked in, wearing red dresses, and a light pink undershirt underneath, with slightly exposed shoulders and a triangular neckline.

With black hair and nobile jewellery, she came at a steady pace, and now she is calm and elegant, quite like everyone.

Li Xiuniang looked at Mo Tianyao who walked in, she couldn't help a look of joy on her face, her eyes were full of satisfaction, she raised her hand, stretched towards Mo Tianyao, and smiled lovingly.

Mo Tianyao smiled, took two steps forward and grabbed Li Xiuniang's hands, and spoke softly.


Li Xiuniang nodded, looked at Motian in relief, patted Mo Tianyao's hand, and smiled.

"Yao'er, why are you here at this time, didn't you go to class?"

Hearing this, Mo Tianyao restrained the smile on her face, her eyes darkened, and she spoke lightly.

"Mother, I came here to ask you something."

Li Xiuniang pulled Mo Tianyao to sit on the stool beside her, and the two of them faced each other. Hearing what Mo Tianyao said, Li Xiuniang let go of Mo Tianyao's hand, waved her hand, and let all the maids in the room go down.

Seeing everyone leave, Li Xiuniang spoke lightly.

"Yao'er, you want to ask about Mo Qingcheng!"

Mo Tianyao's eyes moved a little, revealing a touch of charm, and looked up at Li Xiuniang, showing a hint of bewilderment.

"Since mother knows, I want to know why mother doesn't let Mo Qingcheng be dealt with directly."

Hearing this, Li Xiuniang smiled faintly, with deep meaning in her eyes.

"I know you're uncomfortable, but Mo Qingcheng can't die now, and only that stupid woman, Meng Ruya, would send an assassin to assassinate Mo Qingcheng, but what's the final result!"

"It's not like Mo Qingcheng has nothing to do."

Hearing this, Mo Tianyao was even more puzzled, her charming eyes paused, and she spoke slowly.

"My daughter still doesn't understand."

Li Xiuniang reached out, patted the back of Mo Tianyao's hand, and smiled.

"Yao'er, remember, mother won't harm you. Mo Tianyao was a fool before, but she has a lot of good things in her body. The rewards and things from the general's mansion are all priceless."

"The current public opinion is suppressing Mo Qingcheng, but your father didn't really drive her away. When there is no way out, he will come back sooner or later."

Mo Tianyao didn't understand, so she couldn't help but speak.

"So, shouldn't it be settled in Mo Qingcheng in advance?"

"Silly girl, there are so many good things. If she dies, they will not be ours. When she comes back, call out those things. It's not too late to die."

"But mother, I don't want those things, I want Mo Qingcheng to die."

Mo Tianyao bit her lips lightly, Mo Qingcheng gave her a sense of crisis, although the Twelve Princes did not help Mo Qingcheng in the end, but she lost to Mo Qingcheng in front of him, so Mo Qingcheng had to die.

"Let's do this! Tianyao!"

"It will be the imperial examination of Beisheng Kingdom soon. As long as you can win the imperial examination, I will agree to you."

Mo Tianyao smiled, couldn't help but bend her eyes, and opened her mouth with a smile.

"Mother, what you said is true."

"Of course, when my son wins the imperial examination, then Mo Qingcheng won't be of any use."

Hearing this, Mo Tianyao stood up and spoke with a smile.

"Mother, don't worry! The leader of Beisheng Kingdom's imperial examination must belong to me, Mo Tianyao."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left. Behind her, Li Xiuniang looked worried.

(End of this chapter)

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