Chapter 105 Widow
"Miss, those people are really too much."

Seeing that the gate was almost turned into a garbage dump, Xiaoxi couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

Mo Qingcheng took a look at Xiaoxi, then looked away lightly, looked at the distant sky and smiled.

"Those people, sooner or later they will pay home, well, let's go!"

Xiaoxi didn't know what Mo Qingcheng was going to do, but she nodded, raised her sleeves and wiped away her tears, and followed Mo Qingcheng out of the city gate, towards a relatively remote place in the suburbs.

This is a ghetto, and only the very, very poor live here.

The widow was not from a slum area, she married a small wealthy businessman in the capital city and became the No. .

The wife of a wealthy businessman is also a ruthless character. She finds troubles with women everywhere in the capital. Women have no choice but to move to the poor areas in the suburbs and start a flesh and blood business.

About half an hour after leaving the city, Mo Qingcheng found the widow. When Mo Qingcheng arrived, a man just walked out of the widow's room. age.

When the man saw such a beauty as Mo Qingcheng, his eyes immediately lit up.

Women in ancient times were relatively precocious. Mo Qingcheng is almost 14 years old. At this age, he can get married in two years.

The old man in his 60s looked at a girl in Mo Qingcheng with evil eyes. Mo Qingcheng was disgusted and took two steps back.

Leng Wuqing at the side directly pulled out the sword and put it on the other party's neck, scaring the other party away in a hurry.

In the past, Leng Wuqing would have long since dealt with such scum, but today is different, Mo Qingcheng is by his side, and Leng Wuqing can vaguely sense what Mo Qingcheng is going to do.

In the palace, Di Jiuyang leaned on the bench, his eyes lightly swept across the calm river, looking lazy.

Situ Qi stood beside him flirtatiously, still dressed in a bright red robe, his fair skin was three times more tender than a woman's, and his pair of charming red phoenix eyes were as seductive as a fox.

Who said that a vixen can only describe a woman, isn't this man who is more seductive than a fox in front of you the best example?
"I said, Jiuyang, are you really not worried about Mo Qingcheng? Can she handle this matter?"

Di Jiuyang picked up the teacup and took a sip, a gleam of light flashed in his pitch-black eyes, and he spoke out two words confidently.


Situ Qi looked at the confidence on Di Jiuyang's face, and shook his head helplessly, he didn't know where Di Jiuyang's confidence came from.

Di Jiuyang's self-confidence naturally comes from his vision of people. Mo Qingcheng is not easy to bully, and Di Jiuyang is also a little curious about how Mo Qingcheng will fight back.

What's more, given the jade pendant, all his influence can be used. If Mo Qingcheng can't win, it will really embarrass him.

In the slum area, watching people in their 60s striding away, Xiaoxi's eyes flashed with contempt, and she went straight up and knocked on the door.

People living in the slums are all in Shandong, short and short, with a broken wooden board hanging on the door, let's call it a door!

Hearing the knock on the door, a charming and affectionate voice came from inside.

"Oh, sir, how many times have you knocked on the door, come in quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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