Chapter 114

"No, no, it's not normal when Miss returns home, it's no different from the stupidity before."

Asked by Song Wuya, she was a little flustered. Although Xiao Cui had always taken care of Mo Qingcheng, she had no intentions at all, so she gave an ambiguous answer. Now that I think about it, it's not right!

If Mo Qingcheng is having a better time, then there are some things, and Mo Qingcheng made it clear.

Seeing that Xiaocui was not sure at the beginning, but now she insists that she is not having a good time, Mo Qingcheng's eyes flashed coldness.

When Mo Qingcheng was in the prime minister's mansion before, Mo Qingcheng hadn't had time to deal with the two of them, and now it seemed like a good opportunity.

"My lord, when I'm sick, Xiaocui, a naughty slave, not only doesn't care if I'm sick or not, but stays out of the yard all day, even if I'm in the yard, she'll eat melon seeds outside the door and bask in the sun. What Diao Nu said is not enough evidence."

Xiaocui panicked when she heard what Mo Qingcheng said, and hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

"No, no, my lord, I don't. I have always taken care of the young lady and worked hard, but the young lady has always been stupid. She beat and scolded me. I have never done what the young lady said."

Song Wuya sat on top of it, watching the two masters and servants facing the court interestingly, and found it very interesting.

"You said you didn't have one. Well, what's the matter with the hairpin on your head? You, a maid, can afford such an expensive hairpin. Even my young lady doesn't have one!"

In a word, Xiao Cui was a little speechless. In a panic, Xiao Cui glanced at Song Wuya, then lowered her head, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she hurried to speak.

"Miss, you forgot, this is what you rewarded me."

This hairpin was given to Mo Qingcheng by the palace, but Mo Qingcheng is a fool, and he doesn't deserve such a good thing at all. Those clothes and so on were all taken away by the second lady. This hairpin was also the worst choice for the second lady If it is valuable, give it to her.

Hearing this, Mo Qingcheng laughed.

"I don't have any clothes to wear, no jewelry belt, how can I give you something as a reward."

After finishing speaking, everyone looked at Mo Qingcheng. There was only a wooden hairpin on Mo Qingcheng's head. Compared with this, everyone still didn't understand.

"Bold slave, you still haven't honestly explained how your hairpin came from. You said it was rewarded by your lady, but what evidence do you have?"

Xiaocui kowtowed in fright, and finally spoke hastily.

"My lord, this hairpin was given to the young lady by the princess when she returned to the mansion last year, and the young lady gave it to the servant girl."

Mo Qingcheng sneered, this was what he was waiting for.

"I beg you to be the master for the daughters of the people. For so many years, I have never worn new clothes or brought expensive jewelry. What I wear are all given by the General's Mansion, and what I wear is also given by the General's Mansion."

"Perhaps everyone thinks that such a good thing is not a waste to a fool, but if my mother hadn't left early, she would definitely be willing to give me the best things. As for the things that the princess rewarded, I have never used them." However, when I left the Prime Minister’s Mansion, none of the three boxes I took with me belonged to the Prime Minister’s Mansion, they were all given by the uncle and brothers of the General’s Mansion.”

Xiaocui's face turned pale immediately, and she couldn't say a word while trembling.

"Xiao Cui, if you don't tell the truth, you will go to jail, and this matter is easy to investigate. You only need to search and you will understand everything."

Xiaocui immediately panicked and confessed directly.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, my lady's things were taken away by the second lady, and this hairpin was also given to me by the second lady."

(End of this chapter)

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