Chapter 122 Aunt Framed 2
go back?

Do you need to talk about going back?

"Auntie, I know you care about me, but you have to trust Mr. Song. Mr. Song is an upright and honest official. He will definitely clear up my grievances."

"Don't you believe Mr. Song?"

Hearing this, Li Xiuniang was at a loss for words immediately, and if she spoke again, it would be a slap in the face to Song Wuya, but when Li Xiuniang saw the widow beside her, her expression was extremely ugly.

The widow looked up, seeing Li Xiuniang's fierce gaze, she turned her head in fear.

Mo Qingcheng watched from the side, and couldn't help but speak.

"Auntie, you'd better go out! My witness trembled when he saw you."

In a word, Li Xiuniang was directly pushed to the forefront, and everyone looked at Li Xiuniang with confused expressions for a while.

Rumor has it that Aunt Li of the prime minister's mansion is the most generous and virtuous. Just now, she also showed concern for Miss Fifth, but the witness did tremble just now, which inevitably makes people think twice.

Li Xiuniang's face was very ugly, and she was not sure what to do when a person came in at the door.

"His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson."

Di Zihang, who came in, was dressed in black and white, with a white belt around his waist, a dragon-shaped jade pendant, and black official boots with white stripes on his feet. He had black hair hanging behind him, and his face was His face was calm, but when his eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng, there was a flash of disgust.

Seeing Di Zihang coming, Song Wuya also hurriedly stepped off the stage to salute Di Zihang.

Di Zihang waved his hand, making everyone stand up, looked at the people in the hall, and spoke in a low voice.

"My Highness heard that there is a trial here, so I came to listen in."

His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson of the emperor, came to listen to the case of his fiancée who had retired from the engagement. From what I saw, it was a bit weird.

However, Li Xiuniang looked at Emperor Zihang and spoke softly as if she saw the savior.

"It's just right that your Highness came down. This was originally a family matter of our prime minister's mansion, but Miss Fifth got into the court, and the concubine would not listen to her persuasion. Please ask Your Highness to persuade me a little bit."

Ever since Di Zihang came in, Mo Qingcheng looked at Di Zihang defensively, and Mo Qingcheng had an intuition that nothing good would happen if Di Zihang came in.

Di Zihang pondered for a moment, then decisively opened his mouth.

"I also think this is a matter for the Prime Minister's Mansion. If that's the case, you can go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to solve this case yourself!"

Li Xiuniang immediately thanked Dizihang as if she had received an amnesty. Mo Qingcheng glanced at Li Xiuniang unwillingly. Dizihang was obviously someone Mo Tianlan liked, so why did he come to rescue Li Xiuniang?

Qiu Mo couldn't understand this point.

"Didn't His Highness come to listen? He didn't even ask what the matter was. He just said that it was the housework of the prime minister's mansion. As the prime minister of a country, he naturally didn't have any housework. After all, the prime minister was busy with everyone's affairs. "

Everyone, of course, is the country, the prime minister is busy with the country's affairs, isn't Aunt Li taking care of their family's housework?If Aunt Li could make the decision, why would she come to beat the drums and Mingyuan.

Di Zihang looked at Mo Qingcheng with cold eyebrows, and spoke impatiently.

"My Highness said it was a housework, but it was a housework. Are you questioning me?"

Using power to overwhelm others is a tactic that royal people are used to, and Mo Qingcheng can't say a word to refute.

Although Song Wuya was fair and honest, His Highness directly refused to let him take charge of this case. No matter how fair and honest he was, there was no use for him.

Suddenly Mo Qingcheng smiled and nodded.

"Since His Highness says it's a family matter, then let's do it! I won't file a complaint."

(End of this chapter)

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