Chapter 126

Hearing Mo Qingcheng's personal admission that he was the imperial doctor of the Twelve Princes, Mo Chengguang's eyes flashed, and then he spoke calmly.

"Since you and the Twelve Princes know each other, then invite the Twelve Princes to the Prime Minister's residence. You also know that your elder sister has liked the Twelve Princes since she was a child. As a younger sister, you naturally want to create opportunities for the two of you. "

Mo Qingcheng understood now. No wonder Mo Chengguang didn't blame her at all after knowing what she had done. It turned out that he was waiting for her to ask Di Jiuyang out so that his sister would take the opportunity to spend more time with Di Jiuyang. contact contact.

Her father really had a good plan, but it was a pity that the target was wrong.

Mo Qingcheng refused without thinking.

"Father, my daughter is only the doctor of the Twelve Princes, not anyone of the Twelve Princes, and I have no friendship with the Twelve Princes, how can my daughter invite the Twelve Princes to come to the prime minister's residence?"

Whether Mo Chengguang believes it or not, anyway, even if she could invite her over, she would not invite her.

Mo Qingcheng is now wishing that the prime minister's mansion will get worse and worse, so why would he think of ways to make the prime minister's mansion better and better!
Hearing Mo Qingcheng's refusal, the teacup in Mo Chengguang's hand slammed down on the table, and his amiable father disappeared instantly without a trace.

"If you can't come up, please explain to me what happened today. You are so courageous that you even dared to go to the yamen. Is there anything you can't say in the mansion?"

Mo Qingcheng finally understands that if she asks Di Jiuyang out, then today's incident will be treated as if nothing happened. If she refuses, then Mo Chengguang will use today's incident to control her.

But, is her, Mo Qingcheng, so easy to handle?

Faced with Prime Minister Mo's ugly face, Mo Qingcheng's expression did not change at all, he looked at Mo Chengguang calmly, and spoke with a smile.

"Father, your daughter has already been kicked out of the house by you. If I am wronged, I naturally have to go to the Yamen like ordinary people. Otherwise, my wronged will be in vain."

When Mo Chengguang heard the words, his face turned dark.

"You still want to say, didn't I say that I asked you to admit that you plagiarized the competition with Tian Lan? But how did you do it? You are very unfilial."

Ha ha!

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Mo Qingcheng really wanted to laugh three times. How can she say that she plagiarized her own things, and if she doesn't admit her plagiarism, it is unfilial.

"Father, since you think I'm unfilial, it's too early for the Twelfth Prince to make it clear."

"Although you are my father, I am also a fourth-rank official now, and I am not a father who you can slander and dispose of at will. Whether I plagiarize or not, Mr. Song has given a judgment. If my father thinks it is unreasonable, we will go to court together .”

Mo Qingcheng is not the kind of foolish and filial person, since Mo Chengguang says she is not filial, that's fine, let the world judge and see who is wrong.

When Mo Chengguang heard the words, he was immediately annoyed.

"You rebellious girl, dare to contradict me, you see I don't use family law."

"Come here, give me the family law. I'm going to beat you to death today, a rebellious girl. If I had known that you contradicted me so much today, I should have strangled you to death when you were born."

Mo Qingcheng's sneer disappeared, she looked straight at Mo Chengguang, and spoke forcefully.

"Prime Minister Mo, if I had a choice, I would rather choose an ordinary person as my father."

(End of this chapter)

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