Chapter 132
Seeing Mo Qingcheng frowning, Di Jiuyang couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Situ Qi was also very strange, he had never touched the place where Mo Qingcheng was pressing before, why did it hurt so much!Seeing Mo Qingcheng's unsightly expression, he couldn't help asking.

"I can't cure this!"

Just now, Mo Qingcheng just used the body scanner to help Situ Qi take a look. He didn't expect Situ Qi to be poisoned, but the toxin research device can't be used yet, and Mo Qingcheng is not qualified to unlock it now, but this poison is a bit tricky, not very good The answer is that even Mo Qingcheng is not sure what the poison is.

"It's a little troublesome for you, but it will be fatal in a short while. Tomorrow, you go to the Mo Mansion in the west of the city, and I will arrange it for you."

This sentence ordered Situ Qi to be hospitalized. Mo Qingcheng combined experiments and observed some characteristics of Situ Qi to deduce whether it was that kind of poison.

Hope not!
But judging from Shen Yue's professional point of view, there are nine out of ten chances!
Situ Qi looked at Mo Qingcheng puzzled.

"Why do you still want to live in your house?"

After all, Mo Qingcheng is a girl, and he is a big man. It seems inappropriate to live in Mo Qingcheng's mansion before he is married, and even if he is married, it is even more inappropriate.

Mo Qingcheng gave Situ Qi a blank look, and spoke lightly.

"Don't worry! You are not the only one in the house, my uncle is also there, and there are other people besides my uncle. You are not too many."

In the end, regardless of Situ Qi's answer or not, Di Jiuyang sent him back. On the way back, Di Jiuyang only spoke.

"It may be cured."

After thinking about it, Mo Qingcheng nodded.

"It's just a little troublesome."

After Mo Qingcheng returned to the Mo Mansion for a while, both Xiaoxi and Linglong ran out, and Leng Wuqing softened his expression very rarely, Xiaoxi was also used to Leng Wuqing, and was no longer afraid.

"Miss, you are finally back."

This time, Li Xiuniang's framing has passed without any danger, and I don't know what plans I have for the next time.

But none of these can impress Mo Qingcheng's current good mood.

"Okay, this time it's over. How about the room you were asked to clean? The second uncle will come over tomorrow."

Even Mo Qingcheng's performance in the courtroom can't prove anything, so the few patients this time are opportunities to make her famous. In Beisheng Kingdom, not only men can be officials, but women can too.

Therefore, Mo Qingcheng is going to take the exam and become an official.

This is the goal that Mo Qingcheng set for himself today.

Di Jiuyang didn't come in, he just delivered it to the door and left, but he watched Mo Fu for a long time.

Mo Qingcheng returned to the room and took out a note from his sleeve, which read.

The death of your mother is strange, if you want to take revenge, you will be an official in the court.

Some things, only after you have a certain identity, can you investigate and take revenge openly and aboveboard.Although it was only a few words, it made Mo Qingcheng suspicious. She was a doctor, and she had always had doubts about the death of the original owner's mother.

However, none of the people around him seemed to know, and the note in his hand was the only clue.

Putting the note away, Mo Qingcheng decided to enter the court as an official, even if it was not for the original owner's mother, Mo Qingcheng would also enter the court as an official so that he would not be manipulated by anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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