Chapter 137


After reacting, Mo Qingcheng couldn't help struggling, but in the end he was kissed harder by Di Jiuyang.

It wasn't until Mo Qingcheng's brain froze due to lack of oxygen that Di Jiuyang stopped.

After regaining his senses, Mo Qingcheng directly pushed Di Jiuyang away, and then looked at Di Jiuyang with a defensive face, and couldn't help but speak in a cold voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

Mo Qingcheng's first feeling was that this was not Di Jiuyang, Di Jiuyang could not do such a thing.

Then, Mo Qingcheng was my heartbreak, her first kiss, her first kiss was gone just like that.

Di Jiuyang looked at Mo Qingcheng and chuckled.

"Didn't I say that if we plant a crabapple tree in our backyard, I will come back?"

In a word, Mo Qingcheng was dumbfounded, and looked at Di Jiuyang in a daze, but his mind was blank.

Di Jiuyang looked at Mo Qingcheng with a distressed face, touched Mo Qingcheng's head with his palm, and spoke with pity.

"Unexpectedly, we were reborn here together."

In his previous life, he was shot through the heart by a bullet, and he died very unwillingly. He finally married Mo Qingcheng, and he was about to die before he took good care of Mo Qingcheng.

After he's dead, the one he misses the most in this world is his daughter-in-law, Mo Qingcheng.

He knew that Mo Qingcheng didn't love her, but it was enough for him to love her. He believed that one day, he would impress Mo Qingcheng, but this was the difference between heaven and man.

The moment his soul came out, he didn't want to be reincarnated. He was willing to use his soul to fly away in exchange for following Mo Qingcheng, but his body was attracted by a suction force, and his whole soul flew away uncontrollably.

When he woke up again, he was the twelve princes of Beisheng Kingdom, Di Jiuyang.

Mo Qingcheng reacted, reacted, and finally understood that Di Jiuyang was her husband in her previous life, the Li Tianyang who loved her and loved her but she kept avoiding.


Hearing the familiar name, Di Jiuyang's eyes trembled, and he carefully hugged Mo Qingcheng in his arms, wishing to share his joy at this moment with the whole world.

"Qingcheng, it's me."

When Mo Qingcheng heard Di Jiuyang's voice, he burst into tears. Whenever he thought of Li Tianyang's departure, Mo Qingcheng was in so much pain that he couldn't help himself. He never thought that one day, they would meet again.

"Tianyang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Mo Qingcheng wanted to apologize to Di Jiuyang because of her capriciousness and ignorance that hurt Li Tianyang.

Mo Qingcheng thought that she would never fall in love with this blind date husband, but before she knew it, Li Tianyang walked into her heart, and the moment she found out was the moment Li Tianyang put a bullet in her crotch.

Mo Qingcheng is a military doctor, known as a genius doctor, but he can't save the name of the person he loves the most.

"Cough cough."

Just when Mo Qingcheng was crying so hard that he couldn't help himself, a playful cough sounded, and Mo Qingcheng suddenly realized that he was now in the Mo Mansion, now Beisheng Kingdom, another planet hundreds of millions of light years away from the earth.

Pushing Di Jiuyang away quickly, Mo Qingcheng cried like a little cat, Di Jiuyang wiped Mo Qingcheng's tears with a handkerchief in distress, with a cautious look, as if Mo Qingcheng was a fragile treasure.

Seeing Di Jiuyang's movements, Situ Qi opened his mouth wide in surprise. What's going on? Di Jiuyang, who is obsessed with cleanliness, actually wiped Mo Qingcheng's tears with his handkerchief.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Situ Qi couldn't understand why the painting style in front of him had changed beyond his comprehension!
"I said, you, you... are you all right!"

Di Jiuyang helped Mo Qingcheng get up, and spoke directly domineeringly.

"From now on, this is your sister-in-law."

I just met a girl who became a sister-in-law today?

(End of this chapter)

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