Chapter 141

After breakfast, Mo Qingcheng went to the attic to look around, and found that everyone was in good condition. After ordering to keep it up, Mo Qingcheng left.

Yun Zheng's physical condition is already very good now, and the operation can be done in two days, and Mo Qingcheng took advantage of this time to slap the person behind him hard.

There is good news for the General's Mansion, that is, the grandfather and others will return to the court soon, and the grandmother Leng Bixuan has gone to the palace, so only the second brother You Zheng is in the entire General's Mansion.

Mo Qingcheng went directly to You Zheng's room, wanting to surprise You Zheng, but saw You Zheng put away the things in his hands with a blushing face after seeing her coming in, and then hurriedly got up.

"Little sister, why are you here?"

You Zheng always gives people a sense of elegance, but the people in the general's mansion have all practiced martial arts since childhood. Although You Zheng did not become a general, his kung fu is not weak, but he is dressed in a white scholar's robe, which is really Can't see a trace of force value.

Mo Qingcheng likes this second brother very much, so when something happens, the second brother is the first one who thinks of him.

"Second brother, do you want to make money?"

Mo Qingcheng's voice carried the gracefulness of a Jiangnan woman, and there was a hint of bewitchment in his voice, his eyes seemed to be able to speak, and he looked at You Zheng flickeringly.

"Little sister, don't embarrass the second brother."

Seeing Mo Qingcheng's appearance as a ghost, You Zheng knew what Mo Qingcheng was planning, but his grandmother warned him before leaving that he could not participate in anything with the younger sister.

Mo Qingcheng came to see You Zheng because it was certain that You Zheng would not refuse, but she was rejected before she even opened her mouth, and Mo Qingcheng was stunned.

"Second brother, do you not believe me?"

Apart from not believing that she would really cure the second uncle and Yun Zheng's illness, Mo Qingcheng couldn't think of a reason to become so, so he opened his mouth a little aggrieved.

You Zheng looked at Mo Qingcheng's downcast look, and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"Little sister, it's not that the second brother doesn't believe you, it's because grandma said, if so, I'll mess around with you again, and promise me kiss when I come back."

In order to comfort Mo Qingcheng, You Zheng no longer had any face, and directly spoke out about his grandmother's threat.

Mo Qingcheng raised his head, saw You Zheng's pretty face flushed, and immediately burst into laughter.

It seems that her trickery just now really scared the second brother.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew in, Mo Qingcheng blocked his eyes, You Zheng stepped forward, and closed the window and door.

Turning around again, I saw Mo Qingcheng walking to the low table and picking up the painting he had put away in a panic before. You Zheng blushed and spoke hastily.

"Little sister, you can't watch."

But it's too late!

Mo Qingcheng picked up the flower roll from the ground. On the flower roll was a beautiful woman in a bright yellow dress, standing far away. Behind her was a pool of spring water. The woman smiled at the corner of her mouth, admiring the fish in the water.

Not to mention the skills of the Hanamaki, but this beautiful scenery makes people's hearts move, and they are infected by the spring scenery inside.

Her second brother, this is Sichun!
Just as Mo Qingcheng was looking at it, You Zheng, who had recovered, had already put away the scroll.

However, it was already too late, Mo Qingcheng had seen everything that should be seen.

Being sized up by Mo Qingcheng's playful eyes, You Zheng blushed again.

"Little sister, what are you looking at!"

(End of this chapter)

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