Chapter 145

Zhang Huai, Aunt Zhang, has always been the smartest person in the Prime Minister's Mansion. In the evening, Mo Chengguang really came over, and his cold face immediately softened a lot when he arrived at Aunt Zhang's yard.

Walking into the wing room, looking at Zhang Huai who was sitting on the low table and teaching Mo Tianyu homework, such gentleness and elegance made Mo Chengguang's cold heart soften all of a sudden.

Mo Chengguang walked over without asking his servants to report, and before Zhang Huai could react, he directly hugged him into his arms and spoke softly.

"What's wrong? Are you helping Yu'er with her homework?"

Zhang Huai froze, turned around and saw Mo Chengguang, and couldn't help but say something coquettishly.

"Master, you frightened me."

"Master didn't leave homework for Yu'er, but Yu'er is also a lady of the prime minister's mansion. I think I should practice calligraphy and temper my temper."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Huai cleverly handed the words written by Mo Tianyu to Mo Chengguang, and spoke with a smile.

"You are Yu'er's father and the prime minister. All the officials should be headed by you. Just read your daughter's handwriting and teach Yu'er."

Mo Chengguang took Mo Tianyu's handwriting, looked at the font on it, and immediately recognized it. This is not the handwriting he used when writing. Although Mo Tianyu is only 13 years old, he can write very well, and There is still a vague sense of his character.

Immediately, Mo Chengguang was happy, and directly praised with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad, Yu'er wrote very well."

When Mo Chengguang saw that his daughter did not practice the calligrapher's handwriting, but practiced his father, Mo Chengguang's vanity was greatly satisfied, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

Hearing what Mo Chengguang said, Zhang Huai couldn't help but groan.

"Master, I intended for you to criticize Yu'er, so that you can praise her so much, you should be proud in the future."

Mo Chengguang didn't take it seriously, but Zhang Huai's words obviously made Mo Chengguang more appropriate, so he opened his mouth with a smile.

"What are you afraid of? My Mo Chengguang's daughter is good and smart, and has the demeanor of mine back then."

When Mo Tianyu heard what Mo Chengguang said, he couldn't help but speak mischievously.

"Auntie, look at what my father said. He finally praised me once. You can't do that."

Mo Chengguang immediately patted Mo Tianyu's head in liking, his smile deepened a few words, and he praised him a few more words.

"That's right, don't listen to your aunt, look at us Yu'er is so smart and cute, it's getting late, Yu'er should rest."

Mo Tianyu also knew, got up with a smile, gave a salute, and left.

Mo Chengguang's tender body was in his arms, and he couldn't help it anymore. Seeing Mo Tianyu leave, Zhang Huai's hand tightened even more.

If you want to say that in this prime minister's mansion, it is said that Mo Tianyao is the most favored, and Mo Tianlan is the most valued, and Mo Tianlan is liked by Mo Chengguang. Among them, Mo Tianyu is the youngest. Cute with a sweet mouth, Mo Qingcheng is the last one.

But in fact, Mo Tianyu is the one who loves the most, and Zhang Huai's room is the one who benefits the most.

What Li Xiuniang and Meng Ruya can't eat, Zhang Huai can eat. Li Xiuniang and Meng Ruya may not be able to get Mo Chengguang's sincerity, but Zhang Huai can easily get it.

Being held in Mo Chengguang's arms, how could Zhang Huai not know what Mo Chengguang was thinking, and immediately felt shy, but showed his fair neck, making Mo Chengguang's eyes dim.

"Master, I made a dress, just right"


(End of this chapter)

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