Chapter 202 I Was Wrong

Mu Xi's face darkened.

She only saw that after the stone got into the carriage, the carriage left, and now she heard the words of Princess Caihe, her complexion became even worse.

From the first time Mu Xi saw Mo Qingcheng, she didn't like Mo Qingcheng. Now that she knew that the stone who won her was so familiar with Mo Qingcheng, her face became even more ugly.

Princess Caihe was a little confused, so she didn't see the stone getting into the car, so she didn't know why Mu Xi's face was so gloomy.

"what happened?"

Princess Caihe was puzzled, Mu Xi was fine just now, why is she suddenly cold-faced now.

Mu Xi shook his head, took a deep look at the carriage going away, and sneered.

"Caihe, Mo Qingcheng's own life has been like this, thanks to you still treat her as an opponent, even if she is by the side of the Twelve Princes now, neither of them is worthy of the identity of the Twelve Princes, neither of them impossible."

Mu Xi couldn't help belittling Mo Qingcheng, the more despondent his enemy was, the happier Mu Xi was of course.

Princess Caihe's eyes flashed, and she spoke with a somewhat unclear expression.

"Forget it, anyway, if you have real skills, you can find out if you go to Xuelian this time."

Princess Caihe knows how dangerous the jungle around the snow mountain is. Whether or not Mo Qingcheng has real skills will naturally be known at that time.

Mu Xi was very dissatisfied with Mo Qingcheng going with her. Mo Qingcheng obviously didn't have any real talent and learning, but was a hindrance. When the time came, she had to be distracted to manage Mo Qingcheng, and Mu Xi felt dissatisfied for a while.

"I really don't know why the twelfth prince wants Mo Qingcheng to be a guest, and this time he has to bring such an oil bottle."

No matter how Mu Xi complained, Mo Qingcheng couldn't see or hear him, and he was sitting leisurely in Di Jiuyang's luxurious carriage at the moment.

The four horses marched side by side, and Mo Qingcheng had to say that Di Jiuyang really enjoyed it. Thinking of the dilapidated carriage he made when he came, he immediately gave Di Jiuyang a look.

Di Jiuyang couldn't help pinching Mo Qingcheng's face, and his eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng's body. Even though the two were husband and wife in the previous life, they did everything they should do.

But in this life, Mo Qingcheng is just a 13-year-old child. People who see Di Jiuyang's current actions will definitely feel that Di Jiuyang has special hobbies.

It's just that Mo Qingcheng's occasional shyness is because he forgets that he is still a child, child!

"When will you grow up?"

Di Jiuyang's eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng's swollen place, and he opened his mouth helplessly.

Mo Qingcheng rolled his eyes at Di Jiuyang, and the glances in his eyes were heart-stirring. Thinking of the regrets in his previous life, Mo Qingcheng cherished the time the two of them spent together.

"Di Jiuyang, when I grow up, you will grow old."

In the previous life, Di Jiuyang was three years older than Mo Qingcheng. In this life, he is seven years older. When Mo Qingcheng grows up, Di Jiuyang will really become an old man.

Hearing this, Di Jiuyang's face darkened immediately, he grabbed Mo Qingcheng, hugged Mo Qingcheng in his arms, and went directly to scratch Mo Qingcheng's itchy spot.

The past life and this life have not changed, but Mo Qingcheng is still very ticklish. It is said that ticklish women are kind-hearted and more dedicated.

Mo Qingcheng didn't expect that Di Jiuyang would make such a move, so he couldn't help but laugh, his thoughts moved slightly, and he spoke in a delicate voice.

"Husband, I was wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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