Chapter 218 Young Master Meng

Mo Qingcheng laughed immediately.

When Di Jiuyang said that Princess Caihe had a fake face, didn't he mean that Princess Caihe always had a graceful and luxurious appearance, no matter what others said, she would never get angry?
Mo Qingcheng stood on tiptoe and directly left a watermark on Di Jiuyang's face.

"I did a good job today, keep up the good work."

Because of Mo Qingcheng's lips, Di Jiuyang's tender touch moved Di Jiuyang's mind, and his eyes became much deeper, showing a dark color.

Mo Qingcheng kissed her again, jumped away, and rushed to the busy street outside.

Di Jiuyang shook his head helplessly, and walked out of the alley. Mo Qingcheng bought a lot of things along the way, including food. Anyway, there is a cheating artifact called medical space, so he doesn't have to take it by himself.

While Mo Qingcheng was buying, the items in his hands were decreasing. Di Jiuyang saw it and didn't have any doubts.

Seeing that Di Jiuyang didn't ask, Mo Qingcheng didn't think about how to explain it to Di Jiuyang, so he simply didn't explain it, and waited until Di Jiuyang asked.

In the end, Mo Qingcheng and Di Jiuyang bought all the way, and finally came to a restaurant, still holding the two or three things they started with.

After the two entered the restaurant, the people behind hurriedly took two steps forward. Mo Qingcheng glanced back and saw a few tall and thick men following behind. It seemed that the visitors were not friendly.

Di Jiuyang had discovered it a long time ago, but the other party was not a master, so Di Jiuyang would not take such a person seriously.

And the man behind him saw two people walking into the room, he immediately walked into the restaurant, grabbed the second man to find out clearly, he walked aside, and gave instructions to the other three men.

"You stay here and don't let anyone leave. I will go find the young master right now."

The three men nodded, squatted in a corner beside the wall, and waited.

In the room, Xiaoer came up with food, looked around, and opened his mouth cautiously.

"Miss, a few people asked about your whereabouts just now. The other party is the subordinate of the famous Young Master Meng in the capital. He specializes in molesting pretty girls. I think you should leave as soon as possible."

What Xiaoer said was already very tactful, and molesting is already good, as long as the person that Young Master Meng likes, he will definitely grab it home and consummate the house first, and then bring him home to be his wife.

However, although this Young Master Meng is well-known, the people who molested him were all good-looking people who had no status. Ordinary people would dare to be angry and dare not speak out because of Young Master Meng's reputation and status.

Xiao Er himself is from a poor family, seeing Mayor Mo Qing's good looks and gentle and polite speech, he couldn't help but remind him.

It would be a pity that such a good-looking girl should not be ruined by that bastard Meng Dashao. Mo Qingcheng seems to be only thirteen years old, which is too young.

Besides, this Young Master Meng is not a taboo, just like Mo Qingcheng, it is possible to take him back and keep him.

Mo Qingcheng was a little curious, so he casually inquired about this Young Master Meng with Xiaoer. Hearing that even the twelfth and thirteen were not spared, and some were even kept in the mansion, Mo Qingcheng raised his eyebrows.

"This first young master Meng is really interesting, and he is still playing with it."

Di Jiuyang turned a deaf ear to the conversation between the two, and just helped Mo Qingcheng kick off the fishbone, and put the selected fish meat on Mo Qingcheng's plate.

Seeing that Mo Qingcheng wasn't flustered at all, Xiao Er hurriedly reminded him again.

"You guys should leave quickly! This first young master Meng is not something ordinary people can afford."

(End of this chapter)

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