Chapter 220

"The power of the rivers and lakes?"

Mo Qingcheng didn't expect that all the forces in the world wanted to compete for the blood lotus. It seemed that there were really many opponents that day.

A rare solemnity flashed between Di Jiuyang's brows.

"On that day, you may encounter ghosts, so don't conflict with them."

"The ghost clan is a particularly mysterious family. It is said that the head ghost mother is unconscious and needs a blood lotus to save her life. The ghost clan never pays attention to methods, but only to the purpose."

"So, if you want to get the blood lotus, you must protect yourself."

"If you meet people from the ghost clan, try not to fight the ghost clan head-on. The ghost clan's influence spreads all over the Three Kingdoms, and Situ Qi's mother was poisoned because the ghost clan injured her meridian."

Di Jiuyang knew that Mo Qingcheng wanted to get the blood lotus, but he was worried that Mo Qingcheng would offend the ghost clan because of this. Not to mention that Mo Qingcheng was the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, even the princess of Beisheng Kingdom, he would not dare to offend the ghost clan easily. Otherwise, even the princess, the ghost clan would still dare to kill her.

Mo Qingcheng also knows a lot about this world, but he still doesn't know enough about the forces in the Jianghu. However, Mo Qingcheng has heard Xiaoxi talk about the ghost clan.

The reputation of the ghost clan is definitely a family that makes people shudder when they hear it. It is famous for being cruel, that is, when a three-year-old child cries, as long as the mother says that a member of the ghost clan is coming, the child stops crying immediately.

However, Mo Qingcheng didn't arrive first, and Situ Qi actually had a grudge against the ghost clan, so he immediately spoke worriedly.

"Then, Situ Qi is going to the snow mountain too, and he will definitely bump into ghosts then."

Mo Qingcheng must treat someone who can make even Di Jiuyang afraid. Situ Qi's mother was injured, but he didn't trouble the ghost clan, which shows that the ghost clan is really powerful.

Di Jiuyang reached out to hold Mo Qingcheng's hand.

"Don't worry, although the ghost clan is very powerful, with me around, you won't be harmed. Situ Qi will have to face this matter sooner or later, and he must face it by himself."

Mo Qingcheng smiled softly.

"Well, don't worry! When I get there, I will be careful. I have my own way."

Mo Qingcheng doesn't believe that a person with modern technology can't deal with an ancient ghost clan. Mo Qingcheng doesn't believe that the wisdom of thousands of years advanced by the descendants is useless here.

While the two were talking, the door was kicked open from the outside.

Outside the door, two fierce and strong men walked in first. They were only wearing a dark gray sleeveless dress, and their bare arms had thick muscles. Just standing in front of Mo Qingcheng with the size of the other party was enough to It can stand up to four ink cities.

Two strong men came in and stood beside the two doors, bending over. The door looked like a nobleman, dressed in a dark blue and black moiré gown, with a folding fan in his hand, he slowly opened it, and walked in with a haughty look on his face. After looking around the room first, he set his sights on Mo Qingcheng and Di Jiuyang.

This is the legendary bully, Young Master Meng!

First Young Master Meng's eyes swept across Di Jiuyang, and finally settled on Mo Qingcheng's face, and he froze for a moment.

First Young Master Meng ran into Mo Tianlan by chance, and Mo Tianlan told First Young Master Meng about her grievances, and First Young Master Meng was fine with it, but when someone bullied his cousin, he immediately patted his chest to trouble Mo Qingcheng.

So, Young Master Meng asked his subordinates to look for Mo Qingcheng first, and then get the exact news, and then come back to inform himself, and Young Master Meng will come forward to clean up Mo Qingcheng at that time.

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(End of this chapter)

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