Chapter 238 The Hypocritical Father

Seeing that Mo Qingcheng wanted to return to the Prime Minister's Mansion, Leng Bixuan stopped saying anything.

Thinking of Mo Qingcheng's medical skills, they are very powerful, and he will definitely not let himself be wronged by then, but he still tells Mo Qingcheng that if he is wronged, he must speak up.

Mo Qingcheng promised again and again that she must go back with Mo Chengguang today, because of the imperial decree, the General's Mansion should already have a high position and should not cause trouble to the General's Mansion.

But what Mo Qingcheng showed today was no different from a child, and the soldiers behind Mo Chengguang couldn't help but have a good impression of Mo Qingcheng.

After all, some of them are already fathers, and the daughters in the family are naturally loved. Another thing is that the fathers can't harden their hearts when they see the pure, kind, lovely and charming Mo Qingcheng.

Only Mo Chengguang took a thoughtful look at Mo Qingcheng. There is a big difference between what Mo Qingcheng is showing now and what Mo Qingcheng was arguing with him back then, but what is Mo Chengguang to Mo Qingcheng? I don't know much about it, I just think it might be my own way that made Mo Qingcheng rebellious.

After all, no matter who it is on, they will not agree to that matter.

But Mo Qingcheng has no background and no one to protect him, so Mo Qingcheng should accept it.

Mo Qingcheng bid farewell to the people in the General's Mansion, and was about to leave with Mo Chengguang. Before leaving, he glanced at the guard behind Mo Chengguang, and accidentally saw the token on the guard's body. Mo Qingcheng immediately recognized it, it was The bodyguard of His Highness the Emperor's eldest grandson.

Mo Qingcheng thought it strange before that there were no guards in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Now it seems that Di Zihang lent Mo Chengguang to let Di Zihang take action. There must be something about Mo Tianlan in it. It seems that she went back here The matter has to do with Mo Tianlan.

Mo Qingcheng blinked, followed behind Mo Chengguang, and let out a coquettish smile.

"Father, my daughter can finally go back with her father, but after going back, the sisters won't continue beating and scolding Qingcheng! Auntie will continue to starve Qingcheng!"

These, when Mo Qingcheng was stupid, were commonplace, so now Mo Qingcheng does not care to mention it, Mo Qingcheng just wants to let others hear, let everyone know what kind of hypocritical person Mo Chengguang is .

Obviously when he was at home, he didn't care about his daughter-in-law at all, allowing others to abuse her, but outside, Mo Chengguang had a good reputation for being kind and loving!

A good prime minister who loves the country and the people, Mo Qingcheng wants everyone to see, but Mo Chengguang is the most hypocritical.

Sure enough, Mo Qingcheng had just left the house, and when he asked this question, he had a worried expression on his face, which made people feel distressed. When the people passing by heard this sentence, they all subconsciously looked at Mo Chengguang.

They still know the Prime Minister of Beisheng Kingdom. After all, apart from anything else, the carriage of the Prime Minister's Mansion is just at the side. Judging from the appearance of the two of them, it is obvious that they are about to get into the carriage.

Hearing Mo Qingcheng's words, Mo Chengguang's face darkened, and a flash of anger flashed in his heart. He didn't like this daughter since he was a child, and she humiliated him just because she was born, making him a prime minister, and became a joke of Beisheng Kingdom. His first daughter is a fool, but thanks to Mo Tianlan, the number one talented woman in Beisheng Kingdom, Mo Chengguang can save some face.

Therefore, Mo Chengguang has no feelings for Mo Qingcheng at all.

(End of this chapter)

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