Chapter 283
Mo Qingcheng directly wiped the blood on Liu Wei's face, and Liu Wei was not moved at all, for fear that Mo Qingcheng would accidentally scratch his face.

Mo Qingcheng looked at Liu Wei's cowardly look, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Is that Liu Wei? Who do you think you are? Today, Miss Ben told you that you don't have qualifications, qualifications, qualifications, talk, me, mother."

After Mo Qingcheng finished speaking every single word, his icy eyes enveloped Liu Wei, a chill flashed in his eyes, Liu Wei's body trembled, a touch of fear rose in his heart, and a cold air spread from his heart to his limbs.

Mo Qingcheng laughed lightly.

"Next time, it won't be as simple as a knife today."

Although Mo Qingcheng was laughing, everyone knew that what Mo Qingcheng said was true, and he was not joking at all. If Liu Wei had a next time, he would probably have to confess his life.

Liu Wei clutched his arms, stepped back two steps, and was finally helped up by Zhang Hao.

But as soon as Liu Wei stood up, he started scratching his ears and cheeks. For some reason, Liu Wei felt a special itching all over his body.

After all, Liu Wei has studied medicine for so many years, how could he not know anything about poisons!Immediately thinking of Mo Qingcheng's actions just now, he couldn't help but look at Mo Qingcheng in horror.

"It's you, it's you, right? You poisoned me."

Mo Qingcheng confessed to Liu Wei's questioning.

"Don't make it so serious, it's just some itch powder, some small things, you are so well-informed, why don't you know?"

The last sentence Mo Qingcheng said was obviously sarcastic, but it made people helpless.

Zhang Hao didn't expect that looking at the weak Mo Qingcheng, he would be so powerful. Seeing Mo Qingcheng's ruthless attack, Zhang Hao was also afraid. He was glad that he really didn't say much just now, otherwise Mo Qingcheng wouldn't let it go. Thinking of his fate like Liu Wei, Zhang Hao shuddered.

Liu Wei couldn't beat Mo Qingcheng, and now he could only grit his teeth and bear it. Even if he was not convinced, at this time, Liu Wei would not dare to provoke Mo Qingcheng.

But the tickling powder on his body was really too harsh, every time Liu Wei scratched it, blood would bleed, but it was just relief, and the slight pain was soon replaced by tickling.

The few people around looked at it, but they couldn't help it. They could only watch Liu Wei scratching his head, and even self-harming himself.

Stone looked at Mo Qingcheng, and the light flashed. He always thought that Mo Qingcheng was not simple, but he didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng would be an itchy fan, and it seemed that even Liu Wei couldn't solve it. Although Stone didn't like Liu Wei, he couldn't If you don't admit it, Liu Wei still has some skills, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in the Twelve Princes' Mansion forever.

But Stone admires Mo Qingcheng even more. He knows that Mo Qingcheng doesn't care what other people say, so he ignores it, but he doesn't like blind patience. Originally, Stone thought that Mo Qingcheng had such a temperament, but he didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng would take revenge , is actually so domineering.

After Mo Qingcheng tidied up Liu Wei, the people on the side hurriedly took a few steps back. Mo Qingcheng saw that a few people were sensible, and was about to take up his own burden, when Shitou opened his mouth in a very doggy manner.

"Sister Qingcheng can't do this by herself, just leave it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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