Chapter 285 Revisiting
Mo Qingcheng didn't seem to see the eyes of Mu Xi and Princess Caihe, he got into the carriage and put down the curtain to block the eyes from outside.

In addition to the gazes of Mu Xi and Princess Caihe, there is also Liu Wei's vicious gaze, touching the wound he left, with a ferocious face, that is, gaze cannot kill. If gaze can kill, the current Mo Qingcheng may kill It was already riddled with holes.

Liu Wei put all the responsibility for today's humiliating behavior on Mo Qingcheng, and felt that it was Mo Qingcheng's fault that he lost face in front of so many people today.

If Mo Qingcheng hadn't drugged him, Liu Wei wouldn't have lost his composure like this.

However, Liu Wei will not say much about why he became what he is now. After all, being drugged by Mo Qingcheng is more embarrassing than rolling around in front of everyone!
Seeing that Mo Qingcheng got into the carriage, Mu Xi and Princess Caihe cast their eyes on Liu Wei. After all, Liu Wei's reaction just now was also very strange, and he actually went to beg Mo Qingcheng.

Liu Wei stared at Shang Muxi and Princess Caihe. These two people were people he wanted to please before, but he thought about how embarrassing this incident was, especially after being drugged by that trash Mo Qingcheng. Liu Wei He looked away flickeringly.

Just as Mu Xi was about to speak, Liu Wei had already looked away and got into the carriage.

Mu Xi frowned, his eyes flashed, and he spoke impatiently.

"What does this Liu Wei mean?"

Obviously until yesterday, this man still took the initiative to come forward to express his goodwill. Today, he took the initiative to show his desire to talk to the other party, but he did not expect to be rejected by the other party in such a silent way. For Mu Xi, this It was really an unprecedented first time.

Although Mu Xi is a young lady of the Mu family, she has a simpler temperament. Although Princess Caihe lived in the Mu family and studied medicine since she was a child, Princess Caihe is thoughtful.

Princess Caihe's eyes flashed a touch of inquiry, but it was not as obvious as Mu Xi's expression. After all, for Liu Wei, it's not worth letting her take the initiative to try it!

Mu Xi was puzzled at first and didn't know what happened, so she felt very uncomfortable all the time, especially when she was rejected by a man she despised.

However, when Mu Xi turned his head and saw the smile on the corner of Princess Caihe's mouth, he couldn't help but speak suspiciously.

"How can you still laugh at this moment? I feel that Mo Qingcheng may not be so simple at all."

This sentence, what Mu Xi said was true, after all, everyone present saw the scene just now.

Although Liu Wei is not worthy of the initiative of Mu Xi and Princess Caihe, but Liu Wei's ability can have a good future, and he is the No.3 of the tea house.

Many big families will throw olive branches at Liu Wei.

Princess Caihe shook her head.

"Whether she is simple or not, it won't affect me, and the princess will not take it seriously. After all, no one is worthy to be the opponent of the princess."

Princess Caihe spoke with a proud face, showing the sense of superiority that Princess Caihe felt from the bottom of her heart when facing Mo Qingcheng.

But no one will say anything, everyone will only think that Princess Caihe is right. After all, Princess Caihe has such a noble status, even ordinary princesses can't match it, let alone the Seventh Miss of the Prime Minister's Mansion. up.

"Enough said?"

(End of this chapter)

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