Chapter 297

Mo Qingcheng looked at the people in the room very calmly, obviously this was not the first time, and it was obviously normal to have five people with great medical skills around him for such an obvious approach.

Thinking of this time, Mo Qingcheng felt relieved.

Soon there was a servant girl who came forward and led the people away. After a while, Mo Qingcheng was left alone.

At this moment, three or four men came in behind, the leader looked like a dude, Mo Qingcheng couldn't help but glanced back, and then turned his eyes away.

The dude's eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng's exquisite face, and he was immediately stunned. Then he straightened his clothes, walked up to Mo Qingcheng, and spoke gracefully.

"This lady, I'm Jia Youcai, the son of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. Seeing that the girl is here alone, it's her first time here. Whatever the girl likes, just choose, and just count it on my young master's account."

Mo Qingcheng took a look at the other party, but did not speak, but Jia Youcai continued to speak.

"Beauty, why don't I take you around here? The clothes here are very exquisite, and they are also the most expensive shops in the entire capital."

"No matter what you fancy, I will buy it for you."

After finishing speaking, Jia Youcai looked at Mo Qingcheng in fascination, and reached out to touch Mo Qingcheng's face. Mo Qingcheng frowned slightly, and slapped Jia Youcai's palm open.

Jia Youcai's expression changed, and he turned cold.

"Little beauty, you don't want to toast and refuse to eat fine wine. I have a crush on you, young master. That's your luck. If you don't know good and bad, don't blame me for being rude."

Jia Youcai's family is rich, and there are people in the palace. He has been used to being domineering since he was a child, and Mo Qingcheng's face is very strange, and his clothes are also average. Dare to flirt with the little girl in Baizhuang shop.

Mo Qingcheng sneered, and kicked Jia Youcai directly, the dagger in his hand resting directly on Jia Youcai's neck.

"Now, Miss Ben wants to see who of us is rude to whom."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng moved his finger, and the sharp dagger immediately drew a mark on Jia Youcai's neck. Jia Youcai froze, frightened by Mo Qingcheng's movement.

"This lady, aunt, is too young to see Mount Tai, so please let me go! I will give you whatever silver the lady wants, and I will give it to you. Please show me your hand."

Jia Youcai, who was still fierce before, had a dagger on his neck, and immediately cried for his father and mother, and Mo Qingcheng sneered coldly.

"To shut up."

Jia Youcai didn't dare to speak immediately, but he could see that the other party was serious, so he didn't dare to speak out immediately.

The guards behind Jia Youcai also panicked. If he didn't pay attention, the young master was threatened with his life. If his wife found out about this, they would have nothing to eat and walked away.

"Do you know who our young master is? Our young master's uncle, but a celebrity around the emperor, if you treat our young master like this, aren't you afraid of getting yourself killed?"

When Mo Qingcheng heard this, he immediately sneered.

"Do you know who I am? If I leave today and don't return to the capital, how will you find me?"

The guards looked at each other, Bie Mo Qingcheng couldn't answer any of the questions he asked, but Jia Youcai's mind was extremely active at this moment.

"Grandma, grandma, I, Jia Youcai, promise that if you let me go today, I will definitely not do such a thing again, and I will not retaliate against you."

(End of this chapter)

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