Chapter 345 The Evil Python
1000 years ago?
It is said that 1000 years ago, there was a special dragon named Yinlong in the dragon clan. This dragon was all white. For the dragon clan at that time, this kind of dragon was not recognized by the race.

It is said that in the Dragon Clan, there was a noble blood dragon who fell in love with a nine-tailed silver fox, and then gave birth to a silver dragon. Later, there were more and more silver dragons, forming their own species.

It's just that silver dragons are not accepted by our dragon clan. The clan thinks that the blood flowing on them is impure and has been defiled.

But everyone still lives in peace, and the turning point of the matter happened on a herb.

The patriarch of the family got a holy medicine for keeping the spirit, but it was stolen by a silver dragon. After the elders of the family found out about this, they severely punished the silver dragon family.

Unexpectedly, Yinlong not only did not repent, but practiced the sorcery that was sealed in the dragon clan. Because the sorcery is too insidious, it is a taboo of the family. Blood, hurt the lives of many mortals.

At that time, the entire dragon clan was furious and executed the silver dragon, but what they didn't expect was that when the silver dragon was executed, the silver dragon sneaked away and took away the sealed magic.

But after the silver dragon came to the world, he was finally punished by heaven, but the child in his belly escaped.

Many years have passed like this, and I didn't expect to meet a silver dragon here, and this silver dragon must have practiced sorcery, maybe it has been thinking of revenge.

Mo Qingcheng's mouth grew wide when he heard this. He never thought that the nine-tailed silver fox would fall in love with the dragon clan. Love between different races is not allowed. No wonder the silver dragon's status in the dragon clan is so low.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the cold silver all over his body, and whispered.

"You and this giant python are both dragons, but how can you tell that it has practiced sorcery?"

Hearing this, the little snake sighed immediately, closed its eyes, and spit out a spell, and then a bottle appeared in front of it. The bottle was shining brightly, which was not so obvious.

"This is given to me by the patriarch. As long as you meet a silver dragon and practice magic, the bottle will light up. The brighter the light, the higher the level of magic."

"If we can't subdue it, not only our dragon clan will be in trouble, but also mortals will be in trouble. The most important thing is that everyone who comes here today will be in danger."

"Because after the silver dragon devoured the blood lotus, it needed to suck people's vitality to help in cultivation. It was a person who had to sacrifice too much for this kind of sorcery, so he was sealed."

Mo Qingcheng frowned fiercely. He never thought that such a thing would happen, nor did he think that the other party was a giant dragon who had practiced sorcery, and the matter became more and more difficult.

"However, with the strength of the two of us, how can we be its opponent! And even if this matter is told, no one will believe it."

It was rare for the little snake to speak solemnly.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. The silver dragon has been hiding here to avoid the pursuit of the Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Dao, but if it is transformed into a spirit, and there are so many people outside, if it sucks them all up, then no one will really be able to kill them." It's dealt with."

"Besides, because our Dragon Clan has silver dragons, we still sit down on things that are harmful to the sky, so now there are fewer and fewer spirit dragons, and there are no more spirit dragons who can cultivate into gods. In order to punish everyone in our Dragon Clan, we cultivate Before, it looked like a snake."

(End of this chapter)

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