Chapter 350 Gongxi is Dangerous
In the distance, the snow-capped mountains didn't seem to have changed much, but at this moment, Mo Qingcheng saw a student from the Taiyuan Academy rushing over and spoke loudly.

"Elder, it's not good, something happened to Gongxiyu."

When the elders heard this, they didn't care about anything, and hurried over. Mo Qingcheng heard Gongxiyu's name, but because there was still a distance, he stepped forward and grabbed the other party's sleeve .

"What did you say?"

"Something happened to Gongxiyu, who are you?"

The other party hurriedly opened his mouth, and then realized that he didn't know Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng frowned when he heard the words, but immediately rushed towards the top of the snow mountain.

The snow leopards fought fiercely with humans, but the blood lotus was still growing on the top of the mountain. If they were not picked off quickly, they would probably disappear in a short time.

Mo Qingcheng ignored the blood lotus, and rushed to the front of the crowd, and saw Gongxiyu being held in the hands of a mysterious woman, and the woman was dressed in black, but what could be seen was that her whole body was covered with poison, because she Around, a circle of poisoned people died.

Mo Qingcheng frowned, and was about to step forward, but was grabbed by Hong Ling's arm.

"What are you doing? That woman is full of poison, but she is much more powerful than me. If you go forward, you can only die."

Although Hong Ling tested Mo Qingcheng before, she didn't want to watch Mo Qingcheng die innocently.

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he realized that he was surrounded by people from the Taiyuan Academy, and Zhu Qiqi and his party were also among them, but they were standing behind a man who was wearing Wen Er's clothes and served in the Taiyuan Academy. Mo Qingcheng heard that someone dared each other Elder, probably has some status.

On the other side, Mo Qingcheng saw Di Zihang and his party.

"What are you looking at? You can exchange Honglian for nothing. If you don't hand over Honglian, I will make her life worse than death."

After finishing speaking, the woman pushed Gongxiyu away, but three iron claws appeared in her hands, pointing directly at Gongxiyu on the ground.

Everyone didn't speak, and saw that the people of the ghost clan had already held the blood lotus in their hands. Seeing everyone looking over, the ghost clan immediately opened their mouths domineeringly.

"The blood lotus has already entered the hands of my ghost clan, and it belongs to our ghost clan."

The ghost clan has always disregarded the life and death of others, but now, one side is a poisonous woman who has no opponent at all, and the other side is a ruthless and huge force, none of them is easy to deal with.

Wen Er spoke at this moment.

"Hong Ling, you go up to resist the opponent's attack in a while. I will rescue Gongxiyu first. If you don't rescue him quickly, I will go back and help you."

Hong Ling nodded immediately, with a serious face.

"Master, don't worry, I can temporarily resist the opponent's attack."

Before Wen Er could speak, the woman looked over and sneered.

"Whoever is not afraid of death, come up!"

Mo Qingcheng frowned. Hong Ling was not the opponent's opponent at all, and looked at the opponent's reaching out, killing people everywhere, but although Hong Ling was good at playing poison, her methods were too tender .

Mo Qingcheng was about to step forward immediately, but was pulled back by Wen Er.

"You wait here, don't make trouble, we will save Gongxi."

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips and went forward, but Mo Qingcheng was pulled back.

Mo Qingcheng frowned, but Dan Yao couldn't help comforting him beside him.

"Don't worry, Master will bring back the Gongxi language."

(End of this chapter)

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