Chapter 353
Mo Qingcheng watched the little snow leopard walking towards the snow leopard, didn't stay long, turned around and left.

The little snow leopard jumped and ran to the side of the snow leopard. When the snow leopard saw the lost child, it also surrounded the little snow leopard happily, licking the little snow leopard's head with its tongue.

The little snow leopard groaned, and the snow leopard looked in Mo Qingcheng's direction with deep eyes.

Mo Qingcheng didn't know Snow Leopard's mood, but found that Liu Wei and Zhang Hao had been looking at her with a little dodge. Mo Qingcheng understood that it was because Zhang Hao sprinkled poisonous powder on her body, but Mo Qingcheng knew that the other party was already scared I will no longer pay attention to the two people.

Although the two of them wanted to hurt themselves, fortunately there was no real harm. Now that they knew they were afraid, Mo Qingcheng no longer cared about it.

"Mo, Mo Qingcheng, you, your medical skills are very good."

Mo Qingcheng heard a man's voice, turned his head, and saw Lin Rong who was blushing. He didn't have much impression of Lin Rong. Mo Qingcheng was still a little surprised to see Lin Rong blushing now.

"You are also great."

Mo Qingcheng has seen Lin Rong's medical skills before, so it's not a lie.

Lin Rong shook his head with a humble expression.

"I used to think that my medical skills are very good, but I only realized after seeing you deal with the poisonous girl. My medical skills are nothing. Take half a step, but you don't even notice it."

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he knew that Lin Rong had misunderstood, but he didn't explain it. Mo Qingcheng was not invulnerable to all poisons, but was injected with the potion of the laboratory in advance, which can become an invulnerable system for an hour. But Lin Rong obviously misunderstood, and thought it was because of her excellent medical skills.

Just after taking two steps, Mo Qingcheng felt his blood surge, and before he could speak, a mouthful of blood spewed out, Lin Rong was shocked.

"Hey, are you alright!"

At the moment, he didn't care about the defense between men and women, and embraced Mo Qingcheng's body with a blushing face, while Shitou was also at the side, and immediately stepped forward to take Mo Qingcheng's pulse, but as time passed, Shitou's face became more and more ugly.

"How is it possible? She has been poisoned with chronic poison in her body. Currently, there is only a way to suppress it."

Lin Rong was stunned, looked at Mo Qingcheng in disbelief, and frowned.

"Even the poison girl is not afraid of the poison. There is still a chronic poison in this world that she is afraid of."

Chronic poisons, as the name suggests, require at least half a month of incubation period, and the onset is relatively slow, generally not visible in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, the poison is usually poisoned into the five internal organs. Such poisons are more tormenting.

Di Jiuyang knew about the poison in Mo Qingcheng's body, but Mo Qingcheng already had a solution, making Di Jiuyang turn back when he had already turned around.

Now that he had promised his daughter-in-law to keep a distance, Di Jiuyang could only frown and asked someone to bring Mo Qingcheng into the carriage.

Mo Qingcheng didn't expect that during the time when he went back, he would actually fall asleep in the capital, and when he got to his room, Mo Qingcheng would wake up.

Lifting his heavy head to do it, he saw a figure of a man. Mo Qingcheng looked over and spoke suspiciously.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Rong was startled, and saw that Mo Qingcheng had woken up, and immediately stammered.

"I, I'm just here to deliver, deliver medicine to you."

(End of this chapter)

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