Chapter 363
"The loss this time is not a small amount. What can you do?"

Mo Chengguang followed closely and continued to ask, his eyes were burning, as if he couldn't wait to get the answer to the question from Mo Qingcheng's mouth.

Mo Qingcheng was taken aback, but she still took out her purse with a distressed face. There were about a dozen taels of broken silver in it.Mo Qingcheng put it on the table and pushed it forward.

"These are all my consultation fees for treating people. Although they are not particularly large, they are also my heart. I only hope that they can help the Prime Minister's Mansion tide over the difficulties."

As he said that, Mo Qingcheng still had a look of reluctance to look at those pieces of silver, with an expression of reluctance to give up his love.

Everyone looked at the silver in Mo Qingcheng's hands, and their expressions became bright, and the corners of Mo Chengguang's eyes twitched a few times, looking at the broken silver on Mo Qingcheng's body, he opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Forget it, Qingcheng, you should keep the money for yourself!"

Everyone thought that Mo Qingcheng knew where the treasure was or wanted to show the map of the treasure, but they didn't expect that the other party would show the broken silver on his body.

It can be said that even if you smash a piece of porcelain casually, the price is much more expensive than the dozen taels of silver that Mo Qingcheng took out.

The old lady looked at Mo Qingcheng's money, her face darkened, and she cursed angrily.

"Wu'er, do you no longer have my grandmother in your heart, and the prime minister's mansion, so you can't think of a way. Do you want to watch your family live on the street?"

It would be great if you could really live on the streets, Mo Qingcheng thought in his heart, but a look of sadness flashed across his face.

Regarding the old lady's words, no one stood up to speak for Mo Qingcheng. Mo Qingcheng smiled ironically in his heart, but his face became sincere and fearful.

"Grandmother, what are you talking about? Of course, Qingcheng has such a family in her heart, but Qingcheng only has so much money. Otherwise, she would sell all the things in Qingcheng's room. It would be better."

When the old lady Mo saw what Mo Qingcheng said, she immediately became furious, and was about to point at Mo Qingcheng's nose and scold, but Mo Chengguang helped Mo Qingcheng speak up.

"Mother. Qingcheng is just a child. It's normal that he can't think of a way. In the end, it's my uselessness as a father. If the mother is angry, just scold the child."

The old lady Mo stopped her mouth immediately, and the anger on her face dissipated a little, and finally waved her hands helplessly.

"Forget it, you just protect it! I don't care about this matter, and I can't care about it. Let's go."

Old Madam Mo said something to the nanny beside her, and was helped away.

Seeing this, Mo Chengguang could only comfort Mo Qingcheng.

"Qingcheng, your grandmother is just short of breath, what she said just now was all angry words, don't take it to heart."

Mo Qingcheng nodded in a sensible manner, and then spoke in a considerate manner.

"Father, don't worry! Qingcheng knows and understands, and she will definitely not be angry. After all, my grandmother is my grandmother!"

Mo Chengguang always felt that this sentence sounded weird, but when he looked at Mo Qingcheng's expression, he couldn't see anything. He originally wanted to get the answer, but he didn't achieve his goal in the end. The attitude seemed to be that he really didn't know, he waved his hand immediately, and everyone dispersed.

Mo Tianyu followed Mo Qingcheng, walked out of the front hall, looked around, and then spoke cautiously.

"Fifth sister, are you really helpless?"

(End of this chapter)

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