Chapter 365 Admissions Teacher
Time flies, more than a month has passed, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day when Tai College enrolls students.

The place where Tai Academy enrolls students is the former Tai Academy, but now there are no people living there. Instead, some people in need live there, but there are more people enrolled, so they live in Tai Academy temporarily.

Mo Qingcheng naturally knew the date and place of enrollment. Gongxiyu had already sent a letter to Mo Qingcheng ten days ago, and specifically asked Mo Qingcheng not to miss it.

Mo Qingcheng tidied himself up, and felt that it was almost time, so he wanted to leave the mansion area, but the guards guarding the gate saw that it was Mo Qingcheng, and directly blocked Mo Qingcheng's way.

"Miss Seven, the prime minister has ordered that without the permission of the prime minister, Miss Seven cannot step out of the house."

Mo Qingcheng's expression changed, then he calmed down, glanced at the guard and nodded.

"Well, since that's the case, Miss Ben won't go out."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng turned around and walked back. The guard watched Mo Qingcheng go back, then turned and continued to watch.

But Mo Qingcheng did not return the same way, but came to the backyard. In front of the backyard wall, Mo Qingcheng frowned when he saw that there were also guards.

Couldn't he be under house arrest?And there was obviously none yesterday, but today the Taiyuan Academy has recruited students. Could it be that Mo Chengguang didn't want to go to the Taiyuan Academy by himself.

Mo Qingcheng returned to his yard dejectedly, looked at the slow and calm face, and immediately knew that it seemed that everyone in the house knew that he could not go out today, only himself, the client, did not know.

"Go down! I want to be alone for a while."

Huanhuan took a look at Mo Qingcheng, and there was nothing unexpected. After all, the master had made sufficient preparations, and Mo Qingcheng, a delicate girl, could not fight against Prime Minister Mo who invaded the government and the opposition!
Mo Qingcheng watched as he left slowly, then directly threw the prepared things into the space, and then slowly fell asleep.

Huanhuan was worried, so she took a special look and saw that Mo Qingcheng was indeed asleep, so she left in peace.

But after both of them left, Mo Qingcheng suddenly opened his eyes, and there was still a little sleepiness in his eyes.

Seeing Huanhuan leave, Mo Qingcheng secretly climbed over the wall and walked out of the yard. During these days in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Mo Qingcheng had already recorded the map of the Prime Minister's Mansion in his heart. .

As for when the prime minister's mansion will change shifts, Mo Qingcheng is even more aware of these matters.

Mo Qingcheng dodged all the way until he reached the end of the road. This was a blind area of ​​the Prime Minister's Mansion, and it was the highest wall of the Prime Minister's Mansion. It was five or six meters high, and ordinary people could not pass through it, so there was no one guarding it.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the high wall, flashed a flash of determination, took a deep breath, and tapped his toes to the ground.


Mo Qingcheng quickly removed the haystack in the corner, and then revealed a small cave, which was discovered by Mo Qingcheng when he was a child!There is a saying about this cave, commonly known as the dog cave.

It was the first time in Mo Qingcheng's life that he drilled into a dog's hole. In order to go to the Tai Academy and get the nine great medicines, he really worked hard.

After getting out of the dog hole, Mo Qingcheng glanced behind him, and left triumphantly.

By the time Mo Qingcheng arrived at the Tai Academy, it was already late, and the teachers had already packed their things and were about to leave.

"Teacher, wait, I'm here to sign up."

Mo Qingcheng really hasn't worked so hard because of the exam for many years, sitting on the ground, panting non-stop, without a bit of etiquette for a noble lady.

(End of this chapter)

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