Chapter 368

Mo Qingcheng returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and walked towards the gate calmly. After all, Mo Chengguang would know about Mo Qingcheng's going to the Taiyuan Academy sooner or later, and it couldn't be solved by climbing out of the dog hole.

When the guard saw Mo Qingcheng coming back, his eyes widened immediately, he stepped forward to block Mo Qingcheng's way, and spoke in disgust.

"Miss Seven, the master told you to go to the front hall."

Mo Qingcheng glanced at the guard, but suddenly stopped walking. He sized up the guard, and saw that the other's dark face was actually full of anger. .

The guard was shocked by the look, and immediately lowered his eyes, not daring to continue to look at Mo Qingcheng.

Only then did Mo Qingcheng lightly retract his gaze.

"Only with the eyes of a dog can you look down on people."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng walked in, and the guard immediately cast a gloomy glance at Mo Qingcheng's back, and spoke disdainfully.

"Isn't it just an unfavored lady, what's there to be proud of, I really think of myself as Miss Seven."

The guard at the other side looked at the other side and whispered a reminder.

"Anyway, I'm the master and we are the slaves, you should talk less!"

Although the guard looked reluctant, he didn't say much after all. He just gave Mo Qingcheng a hard look in the direction where Mo Qingcheng was leaving, and then stood up straight again, looking fiercely at the people passing by.

The other guard shook his head, he could never make the Prime Minister fly into a rage, but there was nothing he could do. Is Seventh Miss really a waste?
When Mo Qingcheng walked into the front hall, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. The whole family had just gathered together more than a month ago, and now they are gathered again.

Before Mo Qingcheng could think about it, there was an angry but full-fledged voice in the hall.

"Naughty girl, kneel down for me."

Mo Qingcheng walked in and looked at Mo Chengguang who was sitting on guard, but he didn't kneel down, instead he looked straight at him.

"Father, my daughter doesn't know what she did wrong, why did she kneel down!"

Mo Chengguang had never seen a daughter who turned against him like this, even Mo Tianyao didn't dare to do this, but Mo Qingcheng was so bold, Mo Chengguang suddenly felt that his majesty had been provoked, and as a result, Mo Chengguang Qingcheng was so disobedient in front of him, and Mo Chengguang didn't even have a good face.

"Are you ashamed to ask me what I did wrong? Are you ignoring my orders?"

Mo Qingcheng suddenly chuckled, looking at Mo Chengguang's gloomy facial features, he shrugged directly.

"So it's about this matter. My daughter doesn't think it's wrong. It's my father who is inexplicable. Why did I suddenly have a foot restraint order, why can't I leave the house?"


Mo Chengguang immediately slapped the table, and the teacups on the table trembled, making a crisp sound.

"It's against you, what do I do, when do I need to explain to you, I'm getting more and more ignorant, today, I'm going to teach you a good lesson, let you know what rules are."

Everyone seemed to be watching the show when Mo Qingcheng angered Mo Chengguang. No one stood up to speak for Mo Qingcheng. Even Mo Tianlan and Mo Tianyu, who had been inseparable before, had big eyes shining with light. Dasheng.

Mo Qingcheng sneered and spoke calmly.

"If my father beats me today, then I have nothing to say, but I don't think I'm wrong. Did my father forget that besides being the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, I'm also a guest of the Twelve Princes' mansion. It is an order from the Twelve Princes, so does the father want his daughter to disobey the Twelve Princes' will?"

(End of this chapter)

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