Chapter 386 Who gave you confidence
"Bai Qingquan, who gave you the confidence to make you say that."

Mo Qingcheng looked at Bai Qingquan with raised eyebrows, his brows were full of sarcasm, and he stepped back a few steps to keep a safe distance before Mo Qingcheng spoke slowly.

"Whether it's in the previous life or in this life, I never need you, an outsider, to say anything about my husband's affairs. Every time you show up, my husband will misunderstand me. Because I am jealous of my husband and poach my husband's corner, I am so tired of it." You, now trouble you where you came from and where to go back, seeing your mood fell into a negative number."

"Also, I'm the only one who can comment on my husband. If you have another time, be careful that I'm not polite to you."

Mo Qingcheng glanced at Bai Qingquan, and was about to leave, but Bai Qingquan spoke suddenly.

"Qingcheng, what's wrong with you? Don't you hate Di Jiuyang the most? Don't you always want to leave him? Now is a good opportunity."

Mo Qingcheng found that after Bai Qingquan said these words, the surrounding temperature immediately dropped a little, Mo Qingcheng turned his head, and spoke word by word.

"Bai Qingquan, let me tell you, I never hated him, nor did I want to leave. My husband is good-looking, noble, and capable. How can I be willing to let go if there are so many women out there who like him and can't get them!"

"It's you, it's not your fault for being ugly, and it's not your fault for coming out to hook up, but you really have no taste for hooking up with other women. In the future, don't let me see you again, get out."

Bai Qingquan had an unbelievable expression on his face, he took a last look at the corner of the street, gritted his teeth and left, but before leaving, he still gave Mo Qingcheng an affectionate look.

Mo Qingcheng was almost disgusted, watching Bai Qingquan leave, Mo Qingcheng came to the corner of the street and saw Di Jiuyang.

Di Jiuyang also did not expect that Mo Qingcheng would find him. A pair of pupils fell on Mo Qingcheng's face, and there seemed to be something surging in his eyes. Mo Qingcheng stepped forward and threw himself into Di Jiuyang's arms. He raised his head, his eyes sparkling He looked at Di Jiuyang brightly.

"Just because this bitch is upset?"

Mo Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, but he had an answer in his heart.

Di Jiuyang didn't speak, but rubbed Mo Qingcheng's head with tenderness in his eyes.

Mo Qingcheng's eyes fell on Di Jiuyang's lips, and as if bewitched, she planted a kiss on it.

"Fool, if I really liked him, I wouldn't have never asked you for a divorce. He's just a passer-by. And I'll say it again, Di Jiuyang, you are mine."

Di Jiuyang's eyes moved, and he hugged Mo Qingcheng tightly in his arms, and the domineering kiss fell directly on Mo Qingcheng's lips, with punishment and reward.

Mo Qingcheng's mind went blank for a moment, and then he just felt dizzy, and trustingly entrusted his whole body to Di Jiuyang.

After kissing for a long time, Di Jiuyang let go of Mo Qingcheng and spoke in a low voice.

"you are mine."

Mo Qingcheng could feel that Di Jiuyang's mood had improved, and the air pressure around him became lighter.

In the end, it was Di Jiuyang who sent Mo Qingcheng back. Mo Qingcheng helped Di Jiuyang tidy up his clothes in the carriage, and kissed him on the lips before jumping off the carriage.

In order not to be discovered, Di Jiuyang Qu made the most common carriage. Even so, Mo Qingcheng's return still attracted the attention of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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