Chapter 390 New Features

Mo Qingcheng just remembered that after entering the space and leaving the space, the memory will automatically disappear, so Leng Wuqing forgot about being in the space.

But Mo Qingcheng couldn't explain much, so he nodded immediately.

"You go back directly to the Mo Mansion. The news, Linglong, and the guards of the General's Mansion are all there. You can go back and recuperate."

Coincidentally, what happened this time also made Mo Qingcheng think of something, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Leng Wuqing also knew that it was inconvenient for him to stay here, so he nodded, his black eyes like ink flashed a slight ripple, it was Mo Qingcheng who made him a normal person, in his heart, Mo Qingcheng was different.

After Leng Wuqing left, the Prime Minister's Mansion was tossed until midnight, but these were not related to Mo Qingcheng's affairs, Mo Qingcheng still slept until dawn.

In the prime minister's mansion, Mo Tianyao is the daughter that Mo Chengguang focused on training, Mo Tianlan is the person that His Highness the Emperor's eldest grandson likes, and her status in the mansion is also extraordinary, and Mo Tianyu has an aunt that Mo Chengguang deeply likes. Mo Tianyao is naturally Mo Chengguang's favorite daughter.

Only Mo Qingcheng is a little transparent, and everyone can't see anything about Mo Qingcheng's every move.

Mo Qingcheng didn't blame yesterday's room for the mess, and went out by himself at dawn.

After coming to the Mo Mansion, Mo Qingcheng felt that this was his home.

The Mo Mansion used to be just a haunted house, but after Mo Qingcheng moved in, it was tidied up. It was originally just a courtyard of an imperial concubine, but now it is well-arranged. There is even a crabapple flower that is hundreds of years old in the courtyard. Mo Qingcheng's favorite.

After Linglong and Xiaoxi saw Mo Qingcheng, surprise flashed across their faces.

"Miss, ma'am."

Mo Qingcheng nodded, looked at the two maids who ran over, and smiled.

"It's okay to be cold and heartless!"

Linglong has a calm temperament, and she likes to take it off a bit. Hearing Mo Qingcheng's questioning, she directly described what they did in the Mo residence, Leng Wuqing, and even what happened in the capital recently.

Mo Qingcheng listened carefully. After all, he went to the snow mountain and was really unfamiliar with the things in the capital.

When Mo Qingcheng heard that housekeeper Mo had sent a thank you gift, and that You Maojie's leg was able to go to the ground, even many people who had helped You Maojie see his leg injury rushed over here out of curiosity. After You Maojie's legs could actually walk, everyone called it a miracle.

And Mo Qingcheng became famous in one fell swoop.

Mo Qingcheng really didn't expect that he finally got rid of everyone's doubts. He was slandered by Aunt Li for not knowing medical skills.

Mo Qingcheng had breakfast in the Mo residence, and called You Maozhe, Leng Wuqing, Linglong and Xiaoxi into the yard.


These subordinates are absolutely obedient to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng nodded.

"You have been with me for more than half a year without knowing it. A lot of things have happened in the past six months. Now I have a proposal, that is, to open a pharmacy. It is the time when manpower is needed. If you are willing to stay, then Just stay, if you don't want to stay, you can go back to the General's Mansion."

The guards didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng was talking about this matter, they all looked at each other, hesitant.

(End of this chapter)

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