The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 392 Money from the gambling house.

Chapter 392 Money from the gambling house.

The man was furious at Mo Qingcheng's questioning, and immediately slapped the table and yelled.

"Are you guys here to buy a shop? If you don't buy it, leave as soon as possible. My shop costs 10 taels of silver. If not, you'd better stay somewhere cool!"

"10 million taels of silver?"

Xiaoxi exclaimed directly, she has never seen so much money in her life!This man dared to open his mouth like a lion.

"10 taels of silver, you go and grab it."

Xiaoxi curled her lips, and put away her smiling face. Xiaoxi felt that this person didn't want to sell the shop at all, and they were buying the shop, and they didn't owe money. What kind of attitude is this!

Mo Qingcheng glanced at the shop, twitched the corner of his mouth, and turned around and left with the people.

The man looked impatient, watched Mo Qingcheng leave, and muttered disdainfully.

"If you don't have money, you still look at the shop, and you waste my time."

It's just that he stared fiercely at Mo Qingcheng's figure until he disappeared, and then he couldn't help but smacked his mouth. Such a beautiful chick is really rare in the world, but it just looks like it's not easy to mess with.

Mo Qingcheng went to other places to look at a few more shops. I have to say that the previous shop was what Mo Qingcheng was most satisfied with, otherwise Mo Qingcheng would not have taken Heren to see the shop directly.

It's just that a shop with a price of 3 to 10 taels actually costs [-] taels of silver, which is indeed a bit more.

When going down, Mo Qingcheng went to the Twelve Princes' Mansion, and the guards watched Mo Qingcheng go in without blinking his eyes, they were already used to it.

Di Jiuyang was reading the memorial, and when he knew that Mo Qingcheng had arrived, he directly ordered his servants to bring Mo Qingcheng into the study.

Mo Qingcheng opened the door and walked in, and was embraced by a hug. A blush flashed across Mo Qingcheng's face, and he couldn't help but coquettishly said: "You are not afraid of being seen by the servants."

Di Jiuyang didn't care at all, and took Mo Qingcheng to the soft couch beside him, put his chin on Mo Qingcheng's shoulder, stroked Mo Qingcheng's hair, and closed his eyes.

Mo Qingcheng did not move, letting Di Jiuyang lean on him.

"Haven't you had a good rest recently?"

Di Jiuyang closed his eyes, and opened them again. His delicate and flawless peach blossom eyes shone with luster, and his cold pupils were tinged with warmth at this moment: "The empress has been too free recently, you should also be careful recently."


Mo Qingcheng nodded clearly, the empress had always wanted to get rid of Di Jiuyang, she was afraid that Di Jiuyang would replace Di Zihang on the throne.

"I'm here today, and I want to discuss something with you."

Di Jiuyang raised his eyebrows, it was the first time he heard the word "discussion" from Mo Qingcheng's mouth, and couldn't help but become curious.

"I want to open a pharmacy, and I need manpower."

"If you have the right man in hand?"

Di Jiuyang pondered for a while, then glanced at Mo Qingcheng, feeling a little lazy, Mo Qingcheng couldn't help but look at Di Jiuyang's exquisite facial features, and couldn't help feeling that a man like Di Jiuyang was even taller than a woman like her It's beautiful, it's really unreasonable.

"There are people, but they are not so easy to borrow."

Mo Qingcheng blinked, and suddenly approached Di Jiuyang, smiling like a little fox.

"Need sex, seduction?"

Di Jiuyang picked up Mo Qingcheng and pressed him under his body, his pair of twinkling peach blossom eyes instantly became dark, as if something was surging.

"How to seduce and seduce?"

(End of this chapter)

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