Chapter 395

After Shi Shi went in, he was extremely excited. Mo Qingcheng followed behind, looking at the structure inside the small building, which was similar to the current inpatient department. In addition to some basic medicines, there was only a bed and daily necessities left in each room. up.

But after the stone came in, it was all novelty. Looking at the white walls and sky blue sheets, he suddenly said in surprise: "As expected, this is a magical small building. This room is so beautiful, and it looks blue and white. The combination is unconsciously refreshing."

"Also, and, even the air has a refreshing smell."

There were stones yelling and screaming along the way, Mo Qingcheng looked calm, but felt a little helpless in his heart, but Mo Qingcheng was very satisfied with his small building, that is to say, the fortune of the Yun family was great, otherwise if Mo Qingcheng It may really take a few years to build it yourself.

The marble used for the floor is much better than the ordinary floors in modern times. There are also various small carts inside, designed by Mo Qingcheng himself, to facilitate the transportation of medicines, and there are lights. Because there is no electricity, the inside is full of The big night pearl used.

One is a priceless thing, but Mo Qingcheng has many in one room, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times when he looked at the stone.

With Shitou's help, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful, but now what Mo Qingcheng is most worried about is the shop. The shop that Mo Qingcheng likes is good, but the asking price is too high, but what Mo Qingcheng did not expect is that at night, the shop inside the shop That man came to Mo Mansion.

After Xiaoxi brought him in, the man knelt down in front of Mo Qingcheng. Before Mo Qingcheng understood what happened, he saw the man step forward, hugged Mo Qingcheng's trouser legs, and begged.

"Miss, are you satisfied with the shop you went to visit today? If you are satisfied, we can negotiate the price. Please help me! I have no choice, because I paid 5 taels for gambling. If not, then the other party will cut off my arm."

Mo Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, 5 taels, and then he dared to sell 10 taels?

Seeing the man holding Mo Qingcheng's leg, Leng Wuqing at the side stepped forward and lifted the man up. The action was no different from carrying a chicken, and he easily threw it aside.

The man gave Leng Wuqing a dreadful look, but he didn't dare to go any further, so he could only keep begging Mo Qingcheng, hoping that Mo Qingcheng could buy his own shop.

Mo Qingcheng's face was flat, he glanced at the man and chuckled.

"Although your experience is very sympathetic, I am not doing good deeds here. Your shop is not worth that much money at all."

If it was due to other reasons, Mo Qingcheng could still sympathize with the other party, but because of gambling, he made himself into what he is now, and Mo Qingcheng would not sympathize with the other party at all.

And when a person does something, he has to bear the consequences of his actions.

Hearing this, the man immediately sat down on the ground with a look of despair on his face. There were people who came to visit the shop before, but they left as soon as they heard that it was [-]. He even regarded Mo Qingcheng as the only hope, now there is no hope, he can only have his arms cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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