Chapter 412 Teasing
"So, looking for me so late is something."

Di Jiuyang let go of Mo Qingcheng and teased Mo Qingcheng, but he was the one who felt uncomfortable in the end, but Di Jiuyang couldn't help getting closer to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng was free, but took the initiative to get closer to Di Jiuyang, and threw herself into the opponent's arms, surrounded by gentle warmth, Mo Qingcheng blinked her bright eyes, and spoke out her own problem.

"This matter is actually very simple."

Di Jiuyang looked at Mo Qingcheng, but the words behind him suddenly stopped. Mo Qingcheng blinked, and belatedly rushed forward to hug Di Jiuyang's lips, bit them for a while, and looked at Di Jiuyang again watery. Jiuyang.

Di Jiuyang's heart skipped a beat, as if he was raising a cute pet, holding him in his arms, looking at him eagerly.

"Actually, you know this person very well."

Di Jiuyang read a name in a low voice, and Mo Qingcheng's eyes lit up. How could she forget him? If there is his help in this matter, there must be no problem.

Mo Qingcheng got the answer, and was about to leave, but Di Jiuyang hugged his shoulders, with a dangerous breath on the corner of his mouth: "I just finished using it, and I turned around and left. My wife, you are really merciless."

Mo Qingcheng's old face blushed when she was molested, she found that the serious Di Jiuyang was actually pretty bad.

Di Jiuyang didn't continue to tease Mo Qingcheng, but just let Mo Qingcheng take a bath, and then stayed in the palace and fell asleep. Being hugged by Di Jiuyang, Mo Qingcheng felt inexplicably as if he had been submerged, but the submerged person is her man.

Early the next morning, Mo Qingcheng woke up in a daze. Looking at the familiar top of the bed, Mo Qingcheng got up suddenly and found that he had returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The clothes on her body are still the clothes she fell asleep last night, but the quilt is the quilt from the Twelve Princes' Mansion.

Mo Qingcheng imagined that at night, Di Jiuyang wrapped her in a quilt and sent her back to the prime minister's mansion. He felt it was funny for no reason, rolled on the bed, Mo Qingcheng got up, and then put the quilt into the space, destroying the body and destroying the traces .

After Mo Qingcheng had some food, he asked the coachman to take him to the Taiyuan Academy. When he arrived at the Taiyuan Academy, Mo Qingcheng walked in directly. Because there were no students there, not many people came here, so all the people who looked at the gate were gone.

Compared with the prosperity and prosperity of the past, it is unusually deserted now.

Mo Qingcheng found Sun Wudao along the way, and before he walked in, he heard Sun Wudao's distraught voice: "Damn, I failed again. What kind of broken medicine is so difficult to practice, it can't be a fake prescription!"

Mo Qingcheng shook his head helplessly. Every time he saw Sun Wudao, the other party looked very energetic, and he was particularly energetic in the face of failure.

Mo Qingcheng looked at Sun Wudao's face was dark, his hair was standing on end, and his body was also black because of the alchemy, so he burst into joy immediately.

Sun Wudao turned back impatiently: "Who doesn't have eyes, disturb my alchemy, you."

Before he could say the following words, Sun Wudao opened his mouth wide, then looked at Mo Qingcheng excitedly, stepped forward eagerly, looked at Mo Qingcheng and said with a smile: "Master, why are you here?"

Mo Qingcheng staggered, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Sun, I was your student. If there is any problem, we can discuss it, but I can't be your master. Otherwise, I won't dare to come here in the future." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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