Chapter 417 Ridiculous
Sun Wudao could no longer describe his shock in words, and Mo Qingcheng scolded the legendary figure back then, and even the god-like person in everyone's heart!
And scolded so mercilessly.

The man's face became more and more gloomy when he was told by Mo Qingcheng, but his hands were trembling in his sleeves, like wounds from many years ago, which were torn apart again today. What Mo Qingcheng said was right, he just couldn't face himself Embarrassed.

"and many more."

The man suddenly opened his mouth and called out to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng turned around, looked down at the man, and sneered: "Is there anything else?"

The man was looked at by such eyes, his eyes flashed with embarrassment, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he finally shook his head helplessly, and then laughed loudly: "Really, I haven't been angry for a long time, I almost forgot the feeling of emotional fluctuations." .”

The man narrowed his eyes with some aftertaste, but Mo Qingcheng could understand the man's mood, just seeing the man's reaction, he knew that he was not seriously ill.

For so many years, no one has ever said that about him. In fact, he has been waiting for such a person to wake him up, but everyone still puts him in the position of a genius, or else he is despised, ridiculed, or praised. After so many years of being a genius, he was defeated all at once, and even lost to the West Poison Kingdom.

Mo Qingcheng could understand the man's mood. When he fell from the altar, everyone looked at him with mockery or contempt. In the end, he was just an ordinary person. It was because he was praised too high that he fell down. so miserable.

"I can give it to you at the Tai Academy."

Just when Mo Qingcheng was sighing, the man opposite suddenly spoke.

Sun Wudao opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng would scold him and get the Tai Academy instead.

"But I have one condition." The man continued.

Mo Qingcheng was not surprised, but instead looked at the man: "As long as I can do it."

"I hope that I can join it, and it can be regarded as a regret of fulfilling myself. I will give it to you for nothing in Taiyuan College."

Mo Qingcheng, who was supposed to tell him, didn't smile at all. Instead, he glanced at the man and said lightly, "You have a condition, and I have a condition here. You have to accept my test. Only after you pass the test can you manage the Tai Academy." .”

Mo Qingcheng will go to the south soon. It is of course a good thing to find someone like He Yiming to manage the Taiyuan Academy, but the problem is that He Yiming also has the arrogance that others have. Mo Qingcheng does not need a genius, but an obedient Mo Qingcheng doesn't want his subordinates to do anything on their own initiative when he is not here!
Sun Wudao's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard. He wondered if he was too old, so he had auditory hallucinations. Otherwise, how could he have heard that Mo Qingcheng was going to test He Yiming!

He Yiming!The former genius, who was the most powerful competitor of the poisonous family in the Western Poison Kingdom, now has to accept the test of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child. Although Sun Wudao thinks that Mo Qingcheng's medical skills are very good, he cannot be compared with He Yiming in Sun Wudao's heart , just because the former has created too many miracles.

He Yiming's expression was also slightly stunned, obviously thinking about it, his eyes slowly returned to calm, but Mo Qingcheng knew that his heart was not at peace.

(End of this chapter)

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