Chapter 423
"Sister Qingcheng, why are you here?"

Shitou was a little surprised to see Mo Qingcheng, but he was more happy. These days in the pharmacy, Shitou felt that he had a goal. Seeing those sick and weak people coming in with hope and leaving with a smile on their faces, Shitou felt very happy. satisfy.

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward, looking at the pharmacy that was still busy at this late hour, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Are there many patients?"

Shitou nodded: "Some people didn't believe me at first, but after a long time, some people came to see the doctor. They should have told others after they recovered. More and more people have seen the doctor these days."

After some days, the pharmacy slowly started to get on the right track.

Mo Qingcheng went up to tidy up with Shitou, and was about to close. At this moment, a woman about 30 years old came in with a seven or eight-year-old girl on her back. The little girl was wearing preliminary clothes, her face was flushed, and her lips were white. , A look is sick.

The woman walked in, knelt down in front of the stone, and begged bitterly: "Doctor, please save my daughter! Please save my daughter. My daughter has been having a fever for seven days. I took medicine before." , but it didn’t get better at all. I heard that there is a little genius doctor here, so I brought my daughter here, and begged the doctor to save my daughter!”

Shi Shi stepped forward to feel the little girl's pulse, but his face became more solemn, and he stretched out his hand to press the little girl's stomach, with a look of surprise.

"Sister Qingcheng, come and have a look!"

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward, put his finger on the girl's wrist, and the medical space directly scanned it with an instrument. The final result was that there was a pearl in the little girl's stomach.

When Mo Qingcheng walked in, he could smell the faint smell of sea water from the woman's body. The family should be fishing for a living, and because there was a pearl in the little woman's stomach, it caused a stomach infection, so the high fever persisted.

In ancient times, there were no instruments to determine the contents of the stomach, so it was troublesome, but in modern times, it is very simple. Surgical gastric lavage can be used, but there is another relatively simple method.

Mo Qingcheng walked to the cabinet, put a pack of white powder in the water, walked up to the woman, said with a smile, "Let your daughter drink it, and then take her to the latrine, and see what comes out by the way? "

The woman was a little hesitant. After all, many doctors can't treat diseases well. How can a glass of water cure them?

But now the woman had no other choice, she directly fed the laxative in the cup to the girl, and then took the girl to the latrine.

After a long time, the woman came back with her daughter, holding a pearl with water droplets in her hand.

"I really didn't expect that she actually swallowed a pearl, but now that the pearl has come out, why is she still awake!"

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward to check it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you won't get better immediately! I'll get you medicine here, and you can go back and feed it to your child. If you feel better tomorrow, continue to take it for two days. No, come and find me."

Hearing this, the woman hurriedly paid the money, took the medicine and left with the child. Mo Qingcheng originally refused to accept it, but the other party said that there is no repayment for saving a life. If the consultation fee is not charged, they feel uneasy.

Shi Shi naturally believed in Mo Qingcheng's medical skills. Both Yun Zheng and General You could be cured, let alone it was a minor illness at all.

(End of this chapter)

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