Chapter 426 Worry about the Plague
"What can I do? The temperature can't be lowered at all, and it's getting hotter and hotter. If it continues like this, it will die soon."

Gong Xizhi looked at Zhu Zheng, and couldn't help frowning. Zhu Zheng also had a serious expression on his face. Although he was afraid of Gong Xizhi and feared that his position as the head of the hospital would be taken away, Zhu Zheng knew at the critical moment that he had to rely on With Gong Xizhi.

I don't want to admit it, but Gong Xizhi's medical skills are better than him.

"What can we do now?"

Zhu Zheng gave up the fight between the two for the time being. Now the emperor sent the two of them with more than a dozen imperial doctors to treat the illness, but if they can't be cured, both of them have no way to deal with the emperor.

Gongxiyu's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Taiyuan Academy, why don't you ask the emperor to ask the Taiyuan Academy for help, and let the people with excellent medical skills come here to see if they can solve the problem."

Zhu Zheng also felt that this method was feasible, so he rushed ahead of Gong Xizhi and told the emperor about this method. The emperor nodded and wrote a letter in his own hand.

This time the plague was so severe that even Sun Wudao and He Yiming were alarmed, but He Yiming did not appear.

The post station is a place for the imperial doctor to live temporarily. Because of the plague, they can only stay with the person who has the problem in Shili Town, and the whole town is sealed off, and no one can go out.

The soldiers outside surrounded Shili Town, and anyone who wanted to leave Shili Town would be shot to death.

Even the people who were infected with the plague in the capital were sent to Shili Town.

The longer the delay, the more the people rioted. After all, waiting here is no different from waiting to die, but if you want to leave by force, there is only one dead end.

The young woman's family was also trapped in Shili Town. Seeing the situation outside, their family was also terrified. Seeing people die every day and being carried out, seeing familiar people die. A few days ago, they were still Meet and joke.

And the little girl, seeing her childhood playmate, was in so much pain that she couldn't help herself, she threw herself into her mother's arms and cried, but there was nothing she could do.

The young woman wants to be comforted, but doesn't know how to do so.

Three days passed, and Mo Qingcheng also stayed in the secret room without sunlight for three full days, but no one came to see her. Mo Qingcheng really felt that Prime Minister Mo was going to starve her to death.

And Mo Chengguang has long forgotten about Mo Qingcheng who was locked in the confinement. Now he is worrying about the plague outside the city. He is the prime minister of a country. When encountering such a thing, he will naturally bear the brunt of it.

"Father, is there still nothing to do about the plague?"

Mo Tianyao walked in front of Mo Chengguang, with a hint of worry in her eyes, dignified and noble, whenever she appeared, she looked like a noble lady who came out of the palace, her every move was not messy, not even the strands of her hair were messy. , are all perfect.

Mo Chengguang glanced at Mo Tianyao with satisfaction, and then sighed: "This plague is so powerful that even the Taiyuan Hospital can't do anything about it, and the emperor has written a letter to the Taiyuan Academy, and soon the people of the Taiyuan Academy will coming.

Mo Tianyao's eyes flashed, if he could do something about this matter, he would definitely gain the favor of the Tai Academy, and going to the Tai Academy in the future would naturally have a lot of benefits.

But the plague is really an incurable disease, but the Tai Academy should have a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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