Chapter 430 Passed Out
Mo Chengguang and Aunt Li hurried all the way to the secret room where Mo Qingcheng was locked. After Mo Qingcheng knew that several people had come, he hurried out of the space and fell to the ground.

After being locked up for seven days without food, a normal person must have starved to death, so Mo Qingcheng directly researched a pill, and after taking it, it was almost like being hungry for seven days. At this time, there was only one breath left.

When Mo Chengguang came in, he saw Mo Qingcheng lying on the ground. He had an ominous premonition, and hurriedly asked someone to bring the doctor forward. After the doctor saw it, he said helplessly: "If you haven't eaten for seven days, you will have nothing left." Next breath."

How can this be done?
Mo Chengguang hesitated in his heart, but Aunt Li blinked her eyes and said in a low voice: "My lord, anyway, the Twelve Princes are infected with the plague, and the people in the house will definitely not come out. Let's send Miss Seven over directly. If you die, it has nothing to do with us."

Anyway, they were sent there alive, and as for dying in the Twelve Princes' Mansion, His Highness Ninth Prince was going to die anyway, and Mo Qingcheng was dead, just to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks.

Mo Chengguang pondered for a while, then nodded: "That's the only way."

If you don't do this, then you can only let Mo Tianyao marry His Highness the Ninth Prince, but Mo Tianyao was carefully cultivated by him, how can he ruin it like this!
Mo Qingcheng didn't know anything at all, so he was sent to the residence of the Twelve Princes.

And the emperor has been trembling in fear in the palace, fearing that it is not Mo Qingcheng who will be sent there.

But soon the guard came back and said that it was Mo Qingcheng who sent him there, the emperor immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but the guard seemed hesitant to speak, the emperor couldn't help but said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The guard said cautiously this time: "Although the acquaintance was sent over, Miss Seven was confined by Mo Chengguang for seven days, and she had no food or water to drink, and now she has only one breath left."

The emperor was furious: "What's going on, how could Prime Minister Mo do such a thing?"

Not eating or drinking for seven days, isn't that killing Mo Qingcheng?
Si Tianjian hastily stepped forward: "Your Majesty, everything has its own destiny, this is fate, and it is also good for Miss Seven to reach the twelfth prince, so everything can wait until tomorrow, and there will naturally be an answer."

Seeing what Si Tianjian said, the emperor asked the guards to retreat, and finally everyone retreated. When only Di Yuanmin was left in the imperial study, Di Yuanmin got up and stood in front of the bookcase. After moving, the bookcase slowly opened, revealing a secret room.

Di Yuanmin walked in, and the bookcase at the back slowly closed, and the entire imperial study room seemed to be empty.

In the secret room, Emperor Yuanmin lit candles. The secret room was decorated like a woman's boudoir, and there was a portrait on the wall. The portrait was of a stunning beauty. At this time, the beauty was holding a little girl in her arms. The baby, and the woman's face is full of love, and the man next to him is exactly the same as Di Yuanmin, looking at the woman and the child in the woman's arms dotingly.

Di Yuanmin looked at the portrait of three people, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his eyes felt a little hot.

"Xian'er, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Yang'er. I didn't protect you well, and I can't do anything about my children now. I was in vain as the king of a country, but I couldn't even protect my beloved woman and children. Do you regret it? marry me."

(End of this chapter)

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