Chapter 433 Hope
Wen Er didn't speak, he stepped forward to feel his pulse, and he let go after a long time, Zhu Zheng immediately took Wen Er to another young man, and continued to explain: "The man has a high fever for three days, and he can't eat anything. "

If you have a high fever and don't eat, you can only wait to die.

Then I saw five or six people in succession, all of them were patients at different stages. Wen Er didn't speak, his face was calm. The little girl beside him opened his eyes, looked at Wen Er, and wriggled her pale lips: "Big brother, am I right?" dying?"

Wen Er met the little girl's clear eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No, big brother will cure you."

Big brother!
Wen Er can be the little girl's father, but no one said anything at the moment. Everyone's face was solemn, and at the same time, they were full of hope for the people of the Tai Academy. If there is no way for the Tai Academy, then it really is There is no way.

Zhu Qiqi came back with his teacher this time, and Zhu Qiqi's teacher was a middle-aged man, wearing a moon-white pharmacist robe, with a serious face. After seeing a few patients, he also had a serious face .

The young students brought here this time are all talented. After Wen Er and the middle-aged man took the pulse, some people also stepped forward to check the pulse. Zhu Qiqi looked at Gongxiyu with a smug look on his face Smile: "Gongxiyu, don't you always think that you are better than me? Today I just want to see who is the best."

Gongxiyu glanced at Zhu Qiqi, and snorted coldly: "You are amazing, your teacher is amazing, and it is not my teacher who led the team in the end."

After finishing speaking, Gongxiyu turned around and left, followed by Hong Ling who couldn't hold back her laughter, her ecstatic eyes glanced at the ugly Zhu Qiqi, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Little Junior Sister, It's not as good as me being better than you."

Zhu Qiqi gritted his teeth and didn't speak, and Hong Ling didn't stop, walking directly in front of Zhu Qiqi.

Zhu Qiqi looked at Hong Ling's back unconvinced, what was there to be proud of, obviously her teacher should be leading the team this time, but Wen Er snatched her away.

"Don't be impulsive. This plague is extraordinary. It is very difficult for Wen Er to solve it. Since he wants to lead the team, let him lead the team."

A gloomy man's voice sounded in Zhu Qiqi's ears, and the unwillingness on Zhu Qiqi's face disappeared instantly, and he changed into a soft expression. Looking at the man in front of him, the corner of his mouth curled into a slight complaint: "However, it should be the master's position."

The man was Yu Yan who had met Mo Qingcheng before, and also Zhu Qiqi's senior brother.

A look of gloom flashed across Yu Yan's eyes, but a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Looking at Zhu Qiqi, he whispered, "Sooner or later, there is always a chance, so don't be in a hurry."

Zhu Qiqi nodded immediately. Seeing what Yu Yan said, Zhu Qiqi understood that Yu Yan must have a way to deal with those Gongxiyu people.

Throughout the day, Wen Er was developing the prescription, but he still hadn't solved the plague on the patient. The hope in the hearts of the people gradually turned into disappointment, and then to despair.

Are they going to wait here to die?

No, they can't sit here waiting to die, they have to rush out, they have to get out, they can't stay here any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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