Chapter 451

Mo Tianyao was instigated by the people of Taiyuan Academy to rush back and forth, but when she saw Mo Qingcheng go to sleep leisurely, she suddenly felt extremely unbalanced. She should be the proud daughter of heaven, but she is not as good as a waste treatment.

"Mo Tianyao, what are you doing! Hurry up and distribute these pills to the common people."

Many of the pills that have been made have been placed aside.

When Mo Tianyao heard the words, she immediately responded, stepped forward to pick up the things bitterly, and then got up and distributed them to the people.

Now she only wants to make these people get better quickly, so that she can go back earlier, Mo Qingcheng should not think that it will be fine if she is married to the Twelfth Prince, she must find a way to replace Mo Qingcheng.

Thinking of such a good opportunity to marry the Twelve Princes, but being embarrassed by herself, Mo Tianyao hated her to death.

And Gongxiyu and Hong Ling also leaned against the tree after finishing their work, looking at Mo Qingcheng who was sleeping on the trunk, Hong Ling couldn't help but whispered: "You said she was a fool two years ago, but now she is so incredible?"

Gongxiyu immediately glared at Hong Ling: "What are you talking about!"

Hong Ling also felt that her idiot was a little too much, but isn't that the truth?
But Mo Qingcheng has become so powerful in two years, is it real or fake, or was it just a disguise before?

Before Hong Ling could think about it, she was attracted by the roar from the side.

"Mo Qingcheng, come down for me."

Mo Qingcheng opened his slack eyes, looked at the furious Mo Tianyao on the ground, chuckled suddenly, and then asked in doubt: "Mo Tianyao, what are you calling?"

Mo Tianyao saw that Mo Qingcheng had just woken up and seemed in good spirits, and immediately became even more angry: "Everyone else has been busy here for a day, but look at you, you slept here for a day, aren't you going too far? "

Mo Tianyao just felt uncomfortable, why should she be busy like a little maid, but Mo Qingcheng can sleep soundly here.

Mo Qingcheng stretched his waist, jumped down from the tree neatly, glanced at Mo Tianyao, and then said with a smile: "What does it have to do with you?"

Whether Mo Qingcheng is busy or sleeping, does it have anything to do with Mo Tianyao?
Mo Tianyao was choked immediately, her body restrained a little, she raised her chin slightly, and looked at Mo Qingcheng with a proud face: "Don't forget, I am your sister."

A look of indifference flashed in Mo Qingcheng's eyes, and he said disdainfully: "Mo Tianyao, I advise you not to take my words as deaf ears, as I said, it has nothing to do with the Prime Minister's Mansion, if you have ear problems, let the Tai Academy Someone will prescribe some medicine for you to heal your ears."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng walked directly beside Mo Tianyao, his face was very calm, but Mo Tianyao turned around hastily: "Mo Qingcheng, even if you say so, but my father did not sever ties with you, you are the prime minister's mansion." people."

Mo Qingcheng shrugged indifferently, and then left, leaving only Mo Tianyao behind, looking angry.

Gongxiyu and Hongling came out from the side, and Hong Leng sneered directly: "Perhaps the prime minister's daughter is very remarkable, but in Tai Academy, there are too many people who are more noble than the prime minister's daughter, so it's better not to take yourself too seriously." Things are better, this is the advice of seniors."

(End of this chapter)

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