Chapter 479
Taking advantage of He Yiming's inattention, Mo Qingcheng directly landed a silver needle on He Yiming's head. He Yiming's eyes changed repeatedly between dark and clear, and finally his body limp and fell to the ground.

Sun Wudao quickly supported He Yiming's body, and looked at Mo Qingcheng with displeasure: "Even if Mr. He speaks badly, you can't treat him like this!"

However, He Yiming waved his hand weakly, and then looked at Mo Qingcheng's smile. At this moment, He Yiming's eyes were clear, which were a little different from the sharp ones just now.

"You're right, I have demons."

He Yiming's words shocked both Sun Wudao and Shitou.

He Yiming really has a demon, but why didn't He Yiming admit it just now, but now he admits it again?
Mo Qingcheng didn't speak, and He Yiming continued on his own: "Since I lost the game, I was ridiculed by the people in the West Poison Country. In fact, it was because I lost the game at the time because I saw a poisoned man the day before." woman, I saved that woman at that time."

"But what I didn't expect is that the woman was sent by the West Poison Kingdom to kill me."

"Although I was not killed by the opponent, I was seriously injured and poisoned. But for the sake of the competition, I still fought hard to play. On that day, my reputation as a genius was completely discredited."

"But I felt that I was framed, and I could start all over again, but what I didn't expect was that the poison was in my body, and I couldn't solve it."

"The so-called doctor doesn't heal himself. This may be the reason. Even though I am skilled in medicine, I couldn't detoxify myself. Then the poison became more and more serious. I even injured Master with my own hands."

"Master found out that I was wrong, but the next day, I never remembered what I had done, and then Master told me everything. I really couldn't accept this fact at the time."

"But later it turned out that everything was true. For this reason, I locked myself in the hut behind the Taiyuan Academy, and used medicine stones to control the poisonous hair every day. As long as the poisonous hair was about to happen, I would take Ruanjin powder. I don't have the strength to come out and do bad things."

"But because I'm suppressing the toxicity in my body, it's getting worse now. Sometimes I have feelings and memories, but I can't control them."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I was discovered by you. Your medical skills are very good. I can rest assured that I will leave it to you."

After He Yiming finished speaking, he took out a few documents of the house deed of the Taiyuan Academy from his pocket, and handed them to Mo Qingcheng: "I have prepared these for you a long time ago, because I believe you can do what I have not done."

"At the same time, thank you for allowing me to see the sunshine outside. I really haven't seen it for a long time."

After finishing speaking, He Yiming closed his eyes weakly.

Sun Wudao also didn't expect things to turn out like this, and immediately looked at Mo Qingcheng with a sincere expression on his face: "Qingcheng, is there really nothing you can do? You can't do anything about the poison on Mr. He's body?"

Mo Qingcheng is still very good at poisons, as can be seen from the epidemic poison in Shili Town.

Sun Wudao also studied this thing at the beginning, but he was also helpless.

Mo Qingcheng didn't speak, but looked at the deed in his hand complicatedly, then looked at He Yiming, and said slowly: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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