Chapter 481 Relief
Jia Youcai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mo Qingcheng had accepted his gold. You must know that Jia Youcai was not afraid that Mo Qingcheng would accept the gold, but he was afraid that Jia Youcai would not accept it.

Thinking that Mo Qingcheng's status is not what it used to be, Jia Youcai wished he could slap himself a few times. If he hadn't become lustful, he wouldn't have ended up like this today.

Jia Youcai now hoped that Mo Qingcheng would never tell Di Jiuyang about himself, otherwise Jia Youcai really felt that he was going to die.

Mo Qingcheng stood up, and said with a smile, "Uncle Jia, I'm actually planning to invest in a pharmacy. I don't know if Uncle Jia is interested!"

If Mo Qingcheng really wants to turn Taiyuan College into a pharmaceutical factory, he will need a lot of money, but what is wrong with Jia Guo's family is that there is a lot of money. It would be good if he could win over.

As for the previous incident, Mo Qingcheng had already punished the other party, and with his current status, as long as Jia Youcai had a brain, he would not dare to provoke him.

Seeing Jia Youcai's timid look, Mo Qingcheng smiled and said, "Uncle Jia, this matter has nothing to do with what happened before. I just admire Uncle Jia's way of doing business. If Uncle Jia can come and help me, I must be very happy, but if Jia Guojiu doesn't want it, then forget it."

Jia Youcai rolled his small eyes, thinking quickly in his mind, isn't Mo Qingcheng asking himself to pay for it?It's nothing to pay money, after all, what I don't lack is money, but I offended Mo Qingcheng before, if I agree to Mo Qingcheng now, I will not only cooperate with Mo Qingcheng, but also climb up to God Jiuyang, the most important thing is, He doesn't have to worry about being retaliated against.

Mo Qingcheng was also uncertain about Jia Youcai's thoughts, so he stood calmly aside, waiting for Jia Youcai's answer.

Jia Youcai thought about the relationship of interests, and found that he only needed to pay a little money to get countless benefits. Although Jia Youcai was a second-generation ancestor and had no business acumen, but for some reason, Jia Youcai felt that , Agreeing to Mo Qingcheng is like doing a very powerful business, even more powerful than making a lot of money.

"Okay, I promise you."

Jia Youcai immediately agreed.

Mo Qingcheng nodded, then asked Shi Shi to bring over twenty bottles and handed them to Jia Youcai: "Since it will be a cooperative relationship in the future, I don't know if Uncle Jia knows a master who is particularly good at mechanism skills, I need this people."

Jia Youcai also sincerely cooperated with Mo Qingcheng. Hearing Mo Qingcheng's request, he immediately frowned and pondered for a long while before slowly opening his mouth: "My father has a friend who is a master of mechanics, but I am not very familiar with him, and he And no longer in the capital."

Mo Qingcheng's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Then I will leave this matter to you. When there is news, send someone to the palace to deliver a letter to me. This matter must be resolved within the shortest possible time."

Originally, Mo Qingcheng thought that he would definitely be able to open the pharmaceutical factory before going to Taiyuan Academy, but the fact is that it is much more troublesome than he expected, and now he can only speed up.

Jia Youcai left with his subordinates holding the medicine. It was the first time that Jia Youcai was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Jia Youcai was excited and felt a sense of accomplishment. Be yourself, and respect yourself, not flattering or mocking eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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