Chapter 493
Mo Qingcheng just walked forward silently, put down the medicine box in his hand, took out a set of silver needles, and looked at Ouyang Zhi: "Senior Ouyang, can we start?"

Ouyang Zhi looked at Mo Qingcheng calmly, even though he had been in the rivers and lakes for many years, he couldn't see what Mo Qingcheng was thinking at this moment, so he couldn't help but reminded again: "Little girl, I know that you are a person who values ​​credit, and I was also the one before you." Didn't make it clear."

"I know my legs. I offended the people of the ghost clan. You should leave me alone. Now that you leave, I don't count your words as nothing. You should leave quickly!"

Mo Qingcheng's watery eyes suddenly became serious, and his face was full of determination: "Senior, no matter who you offend, whether it is the ghost clan or the imperial power, from the moment I promise you, you are the patient in my hands." , As a doctor, I only care about treating the sick and saving the sick, and if I see the sick and disabled, I don’t go to treat them, which is contrary to medical ethics.”

"So, no matter what the reason or the result, at this moment, senior Ouyang is just my patient."

Ouyang Zhi saw that Mo Qingcheng's eyes were firm and showed no signs of lying, and a smile slowly appeared on his face: "Okay, since you have said so, if we can escape this catastrophe, even if you don't cure my legs, I'll help you too."

Lifting up the trouser legs, the whole leg is better than the other leg, and it has gained a lot of weight. This is also because of the crack in the bone, and the muscles of the whole leg have been damaged all the time. , are always in a state of swelling.

Originally, the bone fracture was already difficult to treat, and the addition of muscle swelling made it even more difficult to treat.

Ouyang Zhi asked Mo Qingcheng to look at the whole leg before, and Mo Qingcheng went back to ponder for a day, and when he came here again, he obviously had a solution, but Ouyang Zhi wanted to see how Mo Qingcheng healed the disease.

Ouyang Zhi watched Mo Qingcheng's every move closely with his eyes, and saw that Mo Qingcheng did nothing but pricked a few silver needles in his leg.

Ouyang Zhi couldn't help laughing in his heart. He still knows a little about medical skills. As the saying goes, a long-term illness becomes a doctor. Ouyang Zhi knows his own situation very well. Mo Qingcheng seems to be sophisticated, but he doesn't What specific actions, Ouyang Zhi couldn't help being slowly lost.

It seems that his legs have been like this all his life. He was too naive to think that someone could really heal his legs. After so many years, he still didn't give up!

But this time, I'm afraid he's going to give up. He's not young anymore, and he doesn't want to continue making troubles. If he really can't be cured this time, he should go out for a walk!

I can't die, but still guard this small shop, hoping for some miracle to appear.

When Ouyang Zhi thought about it, he felt that his eyelids were so heavy and he couldn't resist the drowsiness in his body due to his physical strength, so he could only fall into a deep sleep unwillingly.

Mo Qingcheng didn't expect that Ouyang Zhi's willpower is really strong. A person who could fall asleep in only 5 minutes took 15 minutes. That's why Ouyang Zhi started to see a doctor when his legs became like this.

Ouyang Zhi passed out, Mo Qingcheng checked the surroundings, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he brought Ouyang Zhi into the space.

In the operating room, everything is ready, just waiting for the operation to start.

(End of this chapter)

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