Chapter 504
Mo Tianlan's complexion slightly improved. Mo Tianlan is still very proud of Di Zihang's divorce from Mo Qingcheng because of herself. Not their own.

As long as Di Zihang likes him, Mo Qingcheng is nothing, but why, Di Zihang should pay attention to Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng's life is a danger to her, so Mo Tianlan has to find a way to get rid of Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng didn't know yet, because his reputation improved, so many things changed.

Prince's Mansion!
The concubine called Di Zihang to her face. Di Zihang was dressed in dark brocade clothes, his appearance was imposing, his complexion was like jade, and he was full of nobility.

Di Zihang walked in and bowed to the princess, "Concubine mother, what's the matter with calling the child over in such a hurry?"

As soon as Di Zihang returned to the mansion, he was called in by the personal nurse next to the Crown Princess, and Di Zihang couldn't help but look at the Crown Princess.

The Crown Princess saw that Di Zihang was full of dignity, and he was not in a hurry when encountering things, a flash of relief flashed in her eyes, she pointed to the seat beside her, and the Crown Princess said gracefully: "Sit down first!"

Di Zihang sat on the couch side by side with the Crown Princess according to his words, his eyes were calm and his every move was full of nobility.

The princess immediately said softly: "Zihang, the mother concubine called you here to ask you, have you heard what happened in the capital recently?"

What about Beijing?

Di Zihang was slightly lost in thought, walking on the road today, the carriage couldn't move forward because of the crowd, the moment Di Zihang lifted the curtain, he saw the beautiful figure in the crowd surrounded by everyone at a glance.

At that time, Di Zihang didn't know why he kept looking at Mo Qingcheng, and he felt a little strange, just like that night, Mo Qingcheng killed more than a dozen elite men, which surprised Di Zihang.

That night, Mo Qingcheng was like a killer in the dark, but today, surrounded by everyone, Mo Qingcheng with a soft smile on his face is like a fairy who is not stained with mortal dust, his every move is so radiant and full of aura .

Di Zihang had known about Shili Town for a long time, so after the news got out, he wasn't too surprised.

He also knew about You Maoxu, but the things that were ignored by Dizihang at the beginning were strung together into a thread, and Dizihang had to face up to Mo Qingcheng and her radiance now.

Di Zihang was full of thoughts, and his heart was a little complicated, but he didn't show it on the surface, he just looked at the princess suspiciously.

Seeing this, the concubine couldn't help but sighed deeply: "At the beginning, your mother and concubine knew about the divorce of Mo Qingcheng, but she didn't stop you. Not good enough for you."

"But who would have thought that Mo Qingcheng would get better! Now, Mo Qingcheng's influence in the capital is not ordinary. Back then, my mother doubted the master's words. Now it seems that Mo Qingcheng is really born Feng Ming."

"Zihang, mother concubine knows that you like Mo Tianlan, but as a man, with ambitions everywhere, it is impossible to always have a woman by his side, so you can like Mo Tianlan if you like, but Mo Qingcheng is the best. You can also make Mo Qingcheng like you."

The more the crown princess thought about it, the more she felt that Mo Qingcheng was born with a phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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