Chapter 519
Speak loudly and speak righteously!
Song Wuya's face was filled with righteous indignation. Song Wuya had always been very angry about unfair things, and he was ruthless, even the royal family and nobles were the same in Song Wuya's eyes.

If it wasn't for the reputation of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Di Zihang wouldn't want to confront Song Wuya.

This Song Wuya is the stone in the hut, smelly and hard, but the emperor's grandfather likes Song Wuya, although Song Wuya is now a sixth-rank official, but he has the deep trust of the emperor, the emperor believes in him very much.

Mo Chengguang took a look at Song Wuya with a gloomy expression, and folded his hands: "Your Highness, the eldest grandson, the people who died were all from the Prime Minister's Mansion. I feel that this is a matter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, so this matter should be handed over to Song Wuya." Leave it to the prime minister's office."

When Song Wuya heard this, he immediately said angrily: "His Royal Highness, the death of seven people in this matter is not a trivial matter, and it is very likely that someone did it on purpose, this time it was the prime minister's residence." The next time, it might be a servant of another mansion, I am responsible for the safety of the capital, and this matter should be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment."

As soon as Di Zihang heard it, he knew that there must be something inside. If the prime minister's mansion was innocent, why didn't he let Song Wuya handle it, but now Mo Chengguang wanted to handle the case himself, so Mo Chengguang Cheng Guang is sure that the story knows the reason, and perhaps it is inconvenient to say it.

Di Zihang was used to seeing such things, a cold look flashed in his heart, he murmured on his face, and looked at Song Wuya: "His Royal Highness can understand Song Shilang's mood to protect the safety of the capital, and he is also very moved. This case , The dead people are all benevolent of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the Prime Minister's Mansion knows these people quite well, and my Highness thinks that this matter will be handed over to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the result may be faster."

Ordinary people, if they saw His Royal Highness the eldest grandson said that, they would definitely go down the donkey like this, but Song Wuya is not an ordinary person, otherwise no one would say that it was a stone in the hut.

Song Wuya didn't agree with Di Zihang's words at all, and retorted very hard, without giving Di Zihang any face: "Your Highness, the eldest grandson, although everyone in the Prime Minister's Mansion knows about this matter, our criminal department handles cases professionally." Yes, the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion are familiar with it, so they can cooperate with the criminal department to handle the case, so that the murderer can be caught faster."

Song Wuya is in charge of these matters, since your prime minister's mansion is so powerful, then you cooperate with me!Cooperate with me in handling the case!

Di Zihang's face darkened immediately, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

Song Wuya sneered in his heart, thinking that these things would be the same as last time?

The last time the target was Mo Qingcheng, at that time Mo Qingcheng was just an orphan girl with no status and no background, His Highness the Emperor's Grandson intervened, and coupled with the lack of evidence, if His Royal Highness the Emperor's Grandson used electricity, the matter would be settled , but things are different today.

Mo Chengguang didn't expect that Song Wuya was really daring, and he didn't give His Royal Highness the slightest bit of face. His Royal Highness has already said so, and he must give up today, but meeting this Song Wuya, unexpectedly give up.

Song Wuya's complexion was cold and hard, with a paralyzed face. If Song Wuya's skin was not dark, it would really make people think he was a piece of charcoal that couldn't laugh!

(End of this chapter)

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