Chapter 521
"Hehe, I don't need my sister to worry about this matter."

Mo Tianyao has never put Mo Tianlan in her eyes, because Mo Tianlan has nothing worthy of her attention. Mo Tianyao is the proud daughter of the sky, how can Mo Tianlan compare to her.

Mo Tianlan sneered, "I don't need to worry about it. If His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, didn't come over, you really thought today's matter would be so simple."

Mo Tianlan can't understand Mo Tianyao's fake nobility the most, everyone is the same, they are concubine daughters, but they show their own demeanor every day, Mo Qingcheng is the real concubine daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and they don't control her every day identity of.

Just Mo Tianyao, who handles her identity every day, really thinks her mother is the wife of the Prime Minister's Mansion!

Because of Di Jiuyang's matter, Mo Tianyao also didn't go to the Tai Academy on time, because when everyone was embarrassed that day, everyone in the Tai Academy was there, and Mo Tianyao felt ashamed to go.

But now that something like this has happened, Mo Tianyao might as well have gone to Tai Academy if she had known earlier!

If I had gone to Tai Academy, such a thing would not have happened.

If you go to Taiyuan College, it will be Mo Tianlan's turn to show off in front of her. Mo Tianyao's face is a bit ugly. Although she and Mo Tianlan are concubine daughters, they have never regarded Mo Tianlan in their eyes, just because Mo Tianlan Tianlan's vision is small, and Mo Tianyao has never regarded Mo Tianlan as her opponent.

Being ridiculed by a person whom she even looked down upon, Mo Tianyao's face quickly elongated: "Mo Tianlan, although you were the one who recruited His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, Song Wuya didn't get involved in today's incident. You didn't take the person away, and you didn't help me voluntarily, did you! If you didn't have something in our hands, would you invite His Royal Highness the eldest grandson to come over?"

Of course not.

In Mo Tianlan's heart, she wished that Mo Tianyao's reputation would be ruined, so why would she take the initiative to help Mo Tianyao!

But what Mo Tianyao said was right, she had something to do with Mo Tianyao.

But my aunt told herself that after today, Mo Tianyao and her daughter will no longer have anything to threaten her. Mo Tianlan trusts Meng Ruya very much, so she raised her pointed chin: "Mo Tianyao, You can be proud now! This time, you have to be more careful."

After Mo Tianlan finished speaking, she turned around and left in a cool manner. Anyway, the matter was not done, and she didn't care about her affairs. If Mo Tianyao was unlucky because of this incident, Mo Tianlan would be happy to see it.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Mo Tianyao was the only one who overwhelmed her. If there was no Mo Tianyao, then the most powerful person in the Prime Minister's Mansion would be herself, and my father would definitely pay more attention to her.

The more she thought about it, the more excited Mo Tianlan became.

But Mo Tianyao was not in the good mood of Mo Tianlan. Now Mo Tianyao was desperate to die, and when she returned to the room, she kicked the maid Ling'er directly: "You idiot, you can't do such a small thing. Well, don't you know how to be more secretive?"

Ling'er only felt that she was really innocent. She threw people into the dry well. Why didn't she keep it secret, and she usually did the same thing. Who knew why the corpse ran to the gate of the house the next morning.

Ling'er was kicked firmly by Mo Tianyao, but she didn't dare to say a word. In the eyes of others, Mo Tianyao, who is like a noble fairy, is definitely a demon in Ling'er's eyes. If Ling'er hadn't helped Mo Tianyao Tianyao has done a lot of things, and Mo Tianyao doesn't need to hide anything from Linger, so Linger probably won't be able to live till now.

(End of this chapter)

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