Chapter 524 Irresistible Temptation

"Mother, why didn't you tell your daughter these things earlier, if you told her earlier, she would be so worried."

Mo Tianyao held Li Xiuniang's sleeve coquettishly, with a smile on her face: "Mother, Yao'er knows that her mother is the best for Yao'er, and my mother has always planned and considered for me since I was a child."

Li Xiuniang patted the back of Mo Tianyao's hand, with a loving face: "Silly boy, you are the mother's child, and if the mother doesn't think about you, who else will you think about? After you know this, you must strive to know it in the future? "

Mo Tianyao nodded, she didn't know her fate before, but now she knows her fate, Mo Tianyao knows that what men value most is their own future, even Di Jiuyang must be no exception.

When the time comes, he will tell Di Jiuyang his fate, and by the way, search for Mo Qingcheng's fate, Di Jiuyang will definitely choose himself and abandon Mo Qingcheng.

The more she thought about it, the happier Mo Tianyao became, and she was not so worried about this matter.

Mo Chengguang attaches great importance to his own destiny, as long as his destiny exists for a day, then he will be the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and no one else can match him.

"Mother, my daughter will definitely work hard. My daughter will trample Mo Qingcheng under her feet, so that Mo Qingcheng will never have a chance to stand up for the rest of her life."

Mo Qingcheng didn't know what happened in the prime minister's mansion until after he woke up. Mo Qingcheng listened to the unlucky things about the prime minister's mansion with great interest. Because of the misfortune in the prime minister's mansion, Mo Qingcheng drank an extra bowl of breakfast.

After dinner, Mo Qingcheng took people to the Taiyuan Academy. Now that the Taiyuan Academy is his own, Mo Qingcheng naturally wants to make a good plan for this place and turn it into the most powerful pharmaceutical factory.

This side is planning. When the machine in Ouyang Zhi's hands is built, the work can be started immediately. Mo Qingcheng also handed over the job of finding someone to Jia Youcai.

After all, Jia Youcai is Uncle Jia's own son. Uncle Jia's ability to recognize people with eyesight, Jia Youcai has also learned a little bit, and this place will be handed over to Jia Youcai in the future. It is impossible for Mo Qingcheng to stay here forever , so I sent Shitou to take care of it with Jia Youcai, and Sun Wudao, an old man, stood by, Mo Qingcheng was also very relieved.

Mo Qingcheng planned the Taiyuan Academy, completed the drawings, and handed them over to Jia Youcai. Jia Youcai would naturally ask Ouyang Zhi for advice, and then started construction.

As for He Yiming, he hasn't woken up since the last coma. The toxin in He Yiming's body is getting stronger and stronger. Mo Qingcheng can only make He Yiming unconscious. In this case, the flow of toxin will be much slower.

He Yiming's antidote requires a golden fruit. This kind of fruit is not scarce, but the medicine is useless, so pharmacies generally don't have it, and if you collect the medicine yourself, you can occasionally come across it.

But the things that can be encountered in normal times are not available when they need to be used now, and He Yiming doesn't have so many days to wait, so Mo Qingcheng can't help but become anxious.

Originally, I thought about inquiring about the golden fruit when I went to find Ouyang Zhi again, but no one knew about it.

Golden fruit, after Mo Qingcheng was reborn, he only had a simple understanding of this continent, but many things here are different from those on the earth, and this place is not what the earth was hundreds of years ago. This place should be a place parallel to the earth. time and space.

So many things are also different. Mo Qingcheng knows the prescription, but he doesn't understand the nature of the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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